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# # - Try to find the GLIB2 libraries # Once done this will define # # GLIB2_FOUND - system has glib2 # GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS - the glib2 include directory # GLIB2_LIBRARIES - glib2 library # GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG - (Windows) Path to required GLib2 DLLs in debug build. # GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE - (Windows) Path to required GLib2 DLLs in release builds. # GLIB2_DLLS_DEBUG - (Windows) List of required GLib2 DLLs in debug builds. # GLIB2_DLLS_RELEASE - (Windows) List of required GLib2 DLLs in release builds. # Copyright (c) 2008 Laurent Montel, <> # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. if( GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR AND GLIB2_LIBRARIES ) # Already in cache, be silent set( GLIB2_FIND_QUIETLY TRUE ) endif() include( FindWSWinLibs ) FindWSWinLibs( "vcpkg-export-*" "GLIB2_HINTS" ) if (NOT WIN32) find_package(PkgConfig) pkg_search_module( PC_GLIB2 glib-2.0 ) endif() find_path( GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES glib.h HINTS "${PC_GLIB2_INCLUDEDIR}" "${GLIB2_HINTS}/include" PATH_SUFFIXES glib-2.0 glib-2.0/include PATHS /opt/gnome/include /opt/local/include /sw/include /usr/include /usr/local/include ) include(FindWSLibrary) FindWSLibrary( GLIB2_LIBRARY NAMES glib-2.0 libglib-2.0 HINTS "${PC_GLIB2_LIBDIR}" WIN32_HINTS ${GLIB2_HINTS} PATHS /opt/gnome/lib64 /opt/gnome/lib /opt/lib/ /opt/local/lib /sw/lib/ /usr/lib64 /usr/lib ) # search the glibconfig.h include dir under the same root where the library is found get_filename_component( glib2LibDir "${GLIB2_LIBRARY}" PATH) find_path( GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES glibconfig.h HINTS "${GLIB2_INCLUDEDIR}" "${GLIB2_HINTS}/include" "${glib2LibDir}" ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH} PATH_SUFFIXES glib-2.0/include PATHS ${GLIB2_LIBRARY} ) if(PC_GLIB2_VERSION) set(GLIB2_VERSION ${PC_GLIB2_VERSION}) elseif(GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR) # On systems without pkg-config (e.g. Windows), search its header # (available since the initial commit of GLib). file(STRINGS ${GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR}/glibconfig.h GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION REGEX "#define[ ]+GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION[ ]+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION ${GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION}) file(STRINGS ${GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR}/glibconfig.h GLIB_MINOR_VERSION REGEX "#define[ ]+GLIB_MINOR_VERSION[ ]+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" GLIB_MINOR_VERSION ${GLIB_MINOR_VERSION}) file(STRINGS ${GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR}/glibconfig.h GLIB_MICRO_VERSION REGEX "#define[ ]+GLIB_MICRO_VERSION[ ]+[0-9]+") string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" GLIB_MICRO_VERSION ${GLIB_MICRO_VERSION}) set(GLIB2_VERSION ${GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION}.${GLIB_MINOR_VERSION}.${GLIB_MICRO_VERSION}) else() # When using VERSION_VAR it must be set to a valid value or undefined to # mean "not found". It's not enough to use the empty string or any other CMake false boolean. unset(GLIB2_VERSION) endif() include( FindPackageHandleStandardArgs ) find_package_handle_standard_args( GLIB2 REQUIRED_VARS GLIB2_LIBRARY GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR GLIB2_VERSION ) if( GLIB2_FOUND ) set( GLIB2_LIBRARIES ${GLIB2_LIBRARY} ) # Include transitive dependencies for static linking. if(UNIX AND CMAKE_FIND_LIBRARY_SUFFIXES STREQUAL ".a") find_library(PCRE_LIBRARY pcre) list(APPEND GLIB2_LIBRARIES -pthread ${PCRE_LIBRARY}) endif() set( GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS ${GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLIB2_INTERNAL_INCLUDE_DIR} ) if ( WIN32 AND GLIB2_FOUND ) set ( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE "${GLIB2_HINTS}/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to GLib2 release DLLs" ) set ( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG "${GLIB2_HINTS}/debug/bin" CACHE PATH "Path to GLib2 debug DLLs" ) # GTK+ required GObject and GIO. We probably don't. file( GLOB _glib2_dlls_release RELATIVE "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gio-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/glib-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gmodule-2.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gobject-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gthread-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libcharset.dll" # gnutls-3.6.3-1-win64ws ships with libffi-6.dll # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libffi.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libiconv.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libintl.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcre.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcre16.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcre32.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcrecpp.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcreposix.dll" ) set ( GLIB2_DLLS_RELEASE ${_glib2_dlls_release} # We're storing filenames only. Should we use STRING instead? CACHE FILEPATH "GLib 2 release DLL list" ) file( GLOB _glib2_dlls_debug RELATIVE "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gio-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/glib-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gmodule-2.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gobject-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gthread-2.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libcharset.dll" # gnutls-3.6.3-1-win64ws ships with libffi-6.dll # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libffi.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libiconv.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libintl.dll" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcred.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcre16d.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcre32d.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcrecppd.dll" # "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcreposixd.dll" ) set ( GLIB2_DLLS_DEBUG ${_glib2_dlls_debug} # We're storing filenames only. Should we use STRING instead? CACHE FILEPATH "GLib 2 debug DLL list" ) file( GLOB _glib2_pdbs_release RELATIVE "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/glib-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gmodule-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/gthread-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libcharset.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libiconv.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/libintl.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE}/pcre.pdb" ) set ( GLIB2_PDBS_RELEASE ${_glib2_pdbs_release} CACHE FILEPATH "GLib2 debug release PDB list" ) file( GLOB _glib2_pdbs_debug RELATIVE "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/glib-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gmodule-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/gthread-2.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libcharset.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libiconv.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/libintl.pdb" "${GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG}/pcred.pdb" ) set ( GLIB2_PDBS_DEBUG ${_glib2_pdbs_debug} CACHE FILEPATH "GLib2 debug debug PDB list" ) mark_as_advanced( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE GLIB2_DLLS_RELEASE GLIB2_PDBS_RELEASE ) mark_as_advanced( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG GLIB2_DLLS_DEBUG GLIB2_PDBS_DEBUG ) endif() elseif( GLIB2_FIND_REQUIRED ) message( SEND_ERROR "Package required but not found" ) else() set( GLIB2_LIBRARIES ) set( GLIB2_MAIN_INCLUDE_DIRS ) set( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_RELEASE ) set( GLIB2_DLL_DIR_DEBUG ) set( GLIB2_PDBS_RELEASE ) set( GLIB2_PDBS_DEBUG ) set( GLIB2_DLLS ) endif() mark_as_advanced( GLIB2_INCLUDE_DIRS GLIB2_LIBRARIES )