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<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Models\GlobalSetting; use App\Models\Order; use App\Models\Role; use App\Models\UserAuth; use App\Scopes\ActiveScope; use Artisan; use App\Scopes\CompanyScope; use Carbon\Carbon; use Stripe\Stripe; use App\Models\Deal; use App\Models\Lead; use App\Models\Task; use App\Models\User; use App\Helper\Files; use App\Helper\Reply; use App\Models\Ticket; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use App\Models\Company; use App\Models\Invoice; use App\Models\Payment; use App\Models\Product; use App\Models\Project; use App\Models\LeadNote; use App\Models\Proposal; use App\Models\TaskFile; use App\Models\LeadSource; use App\Models\TicketType; use App\Models\CreditNotes; use App\Models\LeadProduct; use App\Models\TicketGroup; use App\Models\TicketReply; use App\Models\InvoiceItems; use App\Models\LeadPipeline; use App\Models\ProposalItem; use App\Models\ProposalSign; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Models\ClientDetails; use App\Models\PipelineStage; use App\Models\LeadCustomForm; use App\Models\TaskboardColumn; use App\Models\TicketCustomForm; use Froiden\RestAPI\ApiResponse; use App\Traits\EmployeeDashboard; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use App\Models\ProjectTimeLogBreak; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module; use App\Traits\UniversalSearchTrait; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File; use App\Models\PaymentGatewayCredentials; use App\Http\Requests\Lead\StorePublicLead; use App\Http\Requests\ProposalAcceptRequest; use App\Http\Requests\Stripe\StoreStripeDetail; use App\Http\Requests\Tickets\StoreCustomTicket; use App\Models\GanttLink; use App\Models\LanguageSetting; use App\Models\ProjectMilestone; use App\Events\NewUserEvent; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; use Illuminate\Routing\Exceptions\InvalidSignatureException; class HomeController extends Controller { use EmployeeDashboard; use UniversalSearchTrait; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Middleware only applied to these methods if (!request()->ajax()) { $this->middleware('signed')->only([ 'taskboard' // Could add bunch of more methods too ]); } } /** * Show the application dashboard. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { return view('home'); } public function login() { return redirect(route('login')); } public function invoice($hash) { $this->pageTitle = ''; $this->pageIcon = 'icon-money'; $this->invoice = Invoice::with('currency', 'project', 'project.client', 'items.invoiceItemImage', 'items', 'items.unit') ->where('hash', $hash) ->firstOrFail(); $this->paidAmount = $this->invoice->getPaidAmount(); $this->discount = 0; if ($this->invoice->discount > 0) { if ($this->invoice->discount_type == 'percent') { $this->discount = (($this->invoice->discount / 100) * $this->invoice->sub_total); } else { $this->discount = $this->invoice->discount; } } $taxList = []; $items = InvoiceItems::whereNotNull('taxes') ->where('invoice_id', $this->invoice->id) ->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { foreach (json_decode($item->taxes) as $taxId) { $tax = InvoiceItems::taxbyid($taxId)->first(); if ($tax) { $taxName = $tax->tax_name . ': ' . $tax->rate_percent . '%'; $taxAmount = $this->calculateTaxAmount($item, $tax); if (!isset($taxList[$taxName])) { $taxList[$taxName] = $taxAmount; } else { $taxList[$taxName] += $taxAmount; } } } } $this->taxes = $taxList; $this->company = $this->invoice->company; $this->credentials = $this->company->paymentGatewayCredentials; $this->methods = $this->company->offlinePaymentMethod; $this->invoiceSetting = $this->company->invoiceSetting; return view('invoice', [ 'companyName' => $this->company->company_name, 'pageTitle' => $this->pageTitle, 'pageIcon' => $this->pageIcon, 'company' => $this->company, 'invoice' => $this->invoice, 'paidAmount' => $this->paidAmount, 'discount' => $this->discount, 'credentials' => $this->credentials, 'taxes' => $this->taxes, 'methods' => $this->methods, 'invoiceSetting' => $this->invoiceSetting, ]); } private function calculateTaxAmount($item, $tax) { $amount = $item->amount; $ratePercent = $tax->rate_percent / 100; if ($this->invoice->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $amount -= ($amount / $this->invoice->sub_total) * $this->discount; } return $amount * $ratePercent; } public function stripeModal(Request $request) { $this->invoiceID = $request->invoice_id; $this->countries = countries(); return view('public-payment.stripe.index', $this->data); } public function paystackModal(Request $request) { $this->id = $request->id; $this->type = $request->type; $data = match ($request->type) { 'invoice' => Invoice::findOrFail($request->id), 'order' => Order::findOrFail($request->id), default => Invoice::findOrFail($request->id), }; $this->company = $data->company; return view('public-payment.paystack.index', $this->data); } public function flutterwaveModal(Request $request) { $this->id = $request->id; $this->type = $request->type; return view('public-payment.flutterwave.index', $this->data); } public function mollieModal(Request $request) { $this->id = $request->id; $this->type = $request->type; $data = match ($request->type) { 'invoice' => Invoice::findOrFail($request->id), 'order' => Order::findOrFail($request->id), default => Invoice::findOrFail($request->id), }; $this->company = $data->company; return view('public-payment.mollie.index', $this->data); } public function authorizeModal(Request $request) { $this->id = $request->id; $this->type = $request->type; return view('public-payment.authorize.index', $this->data); } public function saveStripeDetail(StoreStripeDetail $request) { $id = $request->invoice_id; $this->invoice = Invoice::with(['client', 'project', 'project.client'])->findOrFail($id); $this->company = $this->invoice->company; if ($this->invoice && $this->invoice->amountDue() == 0) { Reply::error(__('messages.invoiceAlreadyPaid')); } $this->credentials = PaymentGatewayCredentials::where('company_id', $this->company->id)->first(); $client = null; if (!is_null($this->invoice->client_id)) { $client = $this->invoice->client; } else if (!is_null($this->invoice->project_id) && !is_null($this->invoice->project->client_id)) { $client = $this->invoice->project->client; } if (($this->credentials->test_stripe_secret || $this->credentials->live_stripe_secret) && !is_null($client)) { // Company Specific Stripe::setApiKey($this->credentials->stripe_mode == 'test' ? $this->credentials->test_stripe_secret : $this->credentials->live_stripe_secret); $totalAmount = $this->invoice->amountDue(); $customer = \Stripe\Customer::create([ 'email' => $client->email, 'name' => $request->clientName, 'address' => [ 'line1' => $request->clientName, 'city' => $request->city, 'state' => $request->state, 'country' => $request->country, ], ]); $intent = \Stripe\PaymentIntent::create([ 'amount' => $totalAmount * 100, 'currency' => $this->invoice->currency->currency_code, 'customer' => $customer->id, 'setup_future_usage' => 'off_session', 'payment_method_types' => ['card'], 'description' => $this->invoice->invoice_number . ' Payment', 'metadata' => ['integration_check' => 'accept_a_payment', 'invoice_id' => $id] ]); $this->intent = $intent; } $customerDetail = [ 'email' => $client->email, 'name' => $request->clientName, 'line1' => $request->clientName, 'city' => $request->city, 'state' => $request->state, 'country' => $request->country, ]; $this->customerDetail = $customerDetail; $view = view('public-payment.stripe.stripe-payment', $this->data)->render(); return Reply::dataOnly(['view' => $view, 'intent' => $this->intent]); } public function downloadInvoice($id) { $this->invoice = Invoice::whereRaw('md5(id) = ?', $id)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $this->invoice->company; $this->invoiceSetting = $this->company->invoiceSetting; App::setLocale($this->invoiceSetting->locale ?? 'en'); // Download file uploaded if ($this->invoice->file != null && request()->has('download-uploaded')) { return response()->download(storage_path('app/public/invoice-files') . '/' . $this->invoice->file); } $pdfOption = $this->domPdfObjectForDownload($this->invoice->id); $pdf = $pdfOption['pdf']; $filename = $pdfOption['fileName']; return $pdf->download($filename . '.pdf'); } public function domPdfObjectForDownload($id) { $this->invoice = Invoice::with('items')->findOrFail($id); $this->company = $this->invoice->company; $this->invoiceSetting = $this->company->invoiceSetting; App::setLocale($this->invoiceSetting->locale ?? 'en'); Carbon::setLocale($this->invoiceSetting->locale ?? 'en'); $this->paidAmount = $this->invoice->getPaidAmount(); $this->creditNote = 0; if ($this->invoice->credit_note) { $this->creditNote = CreditNotes::where('invoice_id', $id) ->select('cn_number') ->first(); } if ($this->invoice->discount > 0) { if ($this->invoice->discount_type == 'percent') { $this->discount = (($this->invoice->discount / 100) * $this->invoice->sub_total); } else { $this->discount = $this->invoice->discount; } } else { $this->discount = 0; } $taxList = array(); $items = InvoiceItems::whereNotNull('taxes') ->where('invoice_id', $this->invoice->id) ->get(); foreach ($items as $item) { foreach (json_decode($item->taxes) as $tax) { $this->tax = InvoiceItems::taxbyid($tax)->first(); if ($this->tax) { if (!isset($taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'])) { if ($this->invoice->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = ($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->invoice->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } } else { if ($this->invoice->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + (($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->invoice->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + ($item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } } } } } $this->taxes = $taxList; $this->company = $this->invoice->company; $this->payments = Payment::with(['offlineMethod'])->where('invoice_id', $this->invoice->id)->where('status', 'complete')->orderByDesc('paid_on')->get(); $pdf = app('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->loadView('invoices.pdf.' . $this->invoiceSetting->template, $this->data); $filename = $this->invoice->invoice_number; return [ 'pdf' => $pdf, 'fileName' => $filename ]; } public function app() { $setting = Company::select('id', 'company_name')->first(); return ['data' => $setting]; } public function gantt($hash) { $this->project = Project::with('members', 'members.user')->where('hash', $hash)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $this->project->company; $this->pageTitle = $this->project->project_name; $this->hideCompleted = request('hide_completed') ?? 0; $this->ganttData = $this->ganttDataNew($this->project->id, $this->hideCompleted, $this->company); // Check if public taskboard is enabled for this project if ($this->project->public_gantt_chart != 'enable') { abort_403('Public gantt chart is disabled for this project.'); } return view('gantt_dhtml', [ 'company' => $this->company, 'pageTitle' => $this->pageTitle, 'hideCompleted' => $this->hideCompleted, 'ganttData' => $this->ganttData, 'project' => $this->project ]); } public function ganttData($ganttProjectId) { $assignedTo = request('assignedTo'); $projectTask = request('projectTask'); if ($assignedTo != 'all') { $tasks = Task::projectTasks($ganttProjectId, $assignedTo, 1); } else { $tasks = Task::projectTasks($ganttProjectId, null, 1); } if ($projectTask) { $tasks = $tasks->whereIn('id', explode(',', $projectTask)); } $data = array(); foreach ($tasks as $key => $task) { $data[] = [ 'id' => 'task-' . $task->id, 'name' => $task->heading, 'start' => ((!is_null($task->start_date)) ? $task->start_date->format('Y-m-d') : ((!is_null($task->due_date)) ? $task->due_date->format('Y-m-d') : null)), 'end' => ((!is_null($task->due_date)) ? $task->due_date->format('Y-m-d') : $task->start_date->format('Y-m-d')), 'progress' => 0, 'bg_color' => $task->boardColumn->label_color, 'taskid' => $task->hash, 'draggable' => true ]; if (!is_null($task->dependent_task_id)) { $data[$key]['dependencies'] = 'task-' . $task->dependent_task_id; } } return response()->json($data); } public function taskDetail($hash) { $this->task = Task::with('company:id,timezone,favicon,light_logo,date_format,time_format,company_name', 'boardColumn', 'project', 'users', 'label', 'approvedTimeLogs', 'approvedTimeLogs.user', 'comments', 'comments.user') ->withCount('subtasks', 'files', 'comments', 'activeTimerAll') ->where('hash', $hash) ->firstOrFail() ->withCustomFields(); $this->pageTitle = __('app.task') . ' # ' . $this->task->task_short_code; $getCustomFieldGroupsWithFields = $this->task->getCustomFieldGroupsWithFields(); if ($getCustomFieldGroupsWithFields) { $this->fields = $getCustomFieldGroupsWithFields->fields; } $this->employees = User::join('employee_details', '', '=', 'employee_details.user_id') ->leftJoin('project_time_logs', 'project_time_logs.user_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('designations', 'employee_details.designation_id', '=', ''); $this->employees = $this->employees->select( '', 'users.image', '', ' as designation_name' ); $this->employees = $this->employees->where('project_time_logs.task_id', '=', $this->task->id); $this->employees = $this->employees->groupBy('project_time_logs.user_id') ->orderBy('') ->get(); $this->breakMinutes = ProjectTimeLogBreak::taskBreakMinutes($this->task->id); $tab = request('view'); $this->routeUrl = url()->full(); $this->tab = match ($tab) { 'sub_task' => 'front.tasks.ajax.sub_tasks', 'history' => 'front.tasks.ajax.history', 'comments' => 'front.tasks.ajax.comments', 'time_logs' => 'front.tasks.ajax.timelogs', 'notes' => 'front.tasks.ajax.notes', default => 'front.tasks.ajax.files', }; $this->company = $this->task->company; $this->view = ''; if (request()->ajax()) { if (request('json')) { return $this->returnAjax($this->tab); } return $this->returnAjax($this->view); } return view('', $this->data); } public function taskFiles($id) { $this->taskFiles = TaskFile::where('task_id', $id)->get(); return view('task-files', ['taskFiles' => $this->taskFiles]); } public function taskboard(Request $request, $hash) { $project = Project::where('hash', $hash)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $project->company; $this->pageTitle = $project->project_name . ' ' . __('modules.tasks.taskBoard'); // Check if public taskboard is enabled for this project if ($project->public_taskboard != 'enable') { abort_403('Public taskboard access is disabled for this project.'); } if (request()->ajax()) { $this->boardEdit = false; $this->boardDelete = false; $boardColumns = TaskboardColumn::withCount(['tasks as tasks_count' => function ($q) use ($project) { $q->leftJoin('projects', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id') ->leftJoin('users as client', '', '=', 'projects.client_id') ->leftJoin('task_users', 'task_users.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'task_users.user_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('task_labels', 'task_labels.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users as creator_user', '', '=', 'tasks.created_by'); $q->whereNull('projects.deleted_at'); $q->where('tasks.is_private', 0); $q->where('tasks.project_id', '=', $project->id); $q->select(DB::raw('count(distinct')); }]) ->with(['tasks' => function ($q) use ($project) { $q->withCount(['subtasks', 'completedSubtasks', 'comments']) ->leftJoin('projects', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id') ->leftJoin('users as client', '', '=', 'projects.client_id') ->leftJoin('task_users', 'task_users.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'task_users.user_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('task_labels', 'task_labels.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users as creator_user', '', '=', 'tasks.created_by') ->groupBy(''); $q->whereNull('projects.deleted_at'); $q->where('tasks.is_private', 0); $q->where('tasks.project_id', '=', $project->id); }]) ->where('taskboard_columns.company_id', $this->company->id) ->where('taskboard_columns.column_name', '<>', 'Waiting Approval') ->orderBy('priority', 'asc') ->get(); $result = array(); foreach ($boardColumns as $key => $boardColumn) { $result['boardColumns'][] = $boardColumn; $tasks = Task::with(['users', 'project', 'labels']) ->withCount(['subtasks', 'completedSubtasks', 'comments']) ->leftJoin('projects', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id') ->leftJoin('users as client', '', '=', 'projects.client_id') ->leftJoin('task_users', 'task_users.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'task_users.user_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('task_labels', 'task_labels.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users as creator_user', '', '=', 'tasks.created_by') ->select('tasks.*') ->where('tasks.board_column_id', $boardColumn->id) ->where('tasks.is_private', 0) ->orderBy('column_priority', 'asc') ->groupBy(''); $tasks->whereNull('projects.deleted_at'); $tasks->where('tasks.project_id', '=', $project->id); $tasks->skip(0)->take($this->company->taskboard_length ?? 10); $tasks = $tasks->get(); $result['boardColumns'][$key]['tasks'] = $tasks; } $this->result = $result; $view = view('taskboard_data', [ 'result' => $this->result, 'boardEdit' => $this->boardEdit ])->render(); return Reply::dataOnly(['view' => $view]); } return view('taskboard', [ 'pageTitle' => $this->pageTitle, 'company' => $this->company, 'project' => $project ]); } public function taskboardLoadMore(Request $request, $hash) { $skip = $request->currentTotalTasks; $totalTasks = $request->totalTasks; $project = Project::where('hash', $hash)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $project->company; $tasks = Task::with('users', 'project', 'labels') ->withCount(['subtasks', 'completedSubtasks', 'comments']) ->leftJoin('projects', '', '=', 'tasks.project_id') ->leftJoin('users as client', '', '=', 'projects.client_id') ->leftJoin('task_users', 'task_users.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users', 'task_users.user_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('task_labels', 'task_labels.task_id', '=', '') ->leftJoin('users as creator_user', '', '=', 'tasks.created_by') ->select('tasks.*') ->where('tasks.board_column_id', $request->columnId) ->orderBy('column_priority', 'asc') ->groupBy(''); $tasks->whereNull('projects.deleted_at'); $tasks->where('tasks.project_id', '=', $project->id); $tasks->skip($skip)->take($this->company->taskboard_length ?? 10); $tasks = $tasks->get(); $this->tasks = $tasks; if ($totalTasks <= ($skip + $this->company->taskboard_length)) { $loadStatus = 'hide'; } else { $loadStatus = 'show'; } $view = view('taskboard_load_more', $this->data)->render(); return Reply::dataOnly(['view' => $view, 'load_more' => $loadStatus]); } /** * custom lead form * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function leadForm($id) { if(session()->has('is_deal')) { session()->forget('is_deal'); } $this->withLogo = \request()->get('with_logo'); $this->styled = \request()->get('styled'); $this->pageTitle = 'modules.lead.leadForm'; $this->company = Company::where('hash', $id)->firstOrFail(); $this->globalSetting = global_setting(); $this->countries = countries(); $this->sources = LeadSource::where('company_id', $this->company->id)->get(); $this->products = Product::where('company_id', $this->company->id)->get(); $this->leadFormFields = LeadCustomForm::with('customField') ->where('status', 'active') ->where('company_id', $this->company->id) ->orderBy('field_order')->get(); return view('lead-form', $this->data); } /** * save lead * * @return array */ // public function leadStore(StorePublicLead $request) public function leadStore(StorePublicLead $request) { $company = Company::findOrFail($request->company_id); if (global_setting()->google_recaptcha_status == 'active') { // Checking is google recaptcha is valid $gRecaptchaResponseInput = global_setting()->google_recaptcha_v3_status == 'active' ? 'g_recaptcha' : 'g-recaptcha-response'; $gRecaptchaResponse = $request->{$gRecaptchaResponseInput}; $validateRecaptcha = GlobalSetting::validateGoogleRecaptcha($gRecaptchaResponse); if (!$validateRecaptcha) { return Reply::error(__('auth.recaptchaFailed')); } } $leadPipeline = LeadPipeline::where('default', '1')->where('company_id', $company->id)->first(); $leadStage = PipelineStage::where('default', '1')->where('lead_pipeline_id', $leadPipeline->id)->where('company_id', $company->id)->first(); $leadContact = null; if (request()->has('email') && !is_null($request->email)) { $leadContact = Lead::where('client_email', $request->email)->first(); } if (is_null($leadContact)) { $leadContact = new Lead(); } $leadContact->company_id = $company->id; $leadContact->company_name = (request()->has('company_name') ? $request->company_name : ''); $leadContact->website = (request()->has('website') ? $request->website : ''); $leadContact->address = (request()->has('address') ? $request->address : ''); $leadContact->client_name = (request()->has('name') ? $request->name : ''); $leadContact->client_email = (request()->has('email') ? $request->email : ''); $leadContact->mobile = (request()->has('mobile') ? $request->mobile : ''); $leadContact->city = (request()->has('city') ? $request->city : ''); $leadContact->state = (request()->has('state') ? $request->state : ''); $leadContact->country = (request()->has('country') ? $request->country : ''); $leadContact->postal_code = (request()->has('postal_code') ? $request->postal_code : ''); $leadContact->save(); $note = new LeadNote(); $note->title = 'note'; $note->lead_id = $leadContact->id; $note->details = (request()->has('message') ? $request->message : ''); $note->type = 0; $note->save(); $lead = new Deal(); $lead->company_id = $company->id; $lead->lead_id = $leadContact->id; $lead->name = (request()->has('name') ? $request->name : ''); $lead->lead_pipeline_id = $leadPipeline->id; $lead->pipeline_stage_id = $leadStage->id; $lead->note = (request()->has('message') ? $request->message : null); $lead->value = 0; $lead->currency_id = $company->currency_id; Session::put('is_deal', true); $lead->save(); if (!is_null($request->product)) { $products = $request->product; foreach ($products as $product) { $leadProduct = new LeadProduct(); $leadProduct->deal_id = $lead->id; $leadProduct->product_id = $product; $leadProduct->save(); } } // To add custom fields data if ($request->custom_fields_data) { $leadContact->updateCustomFieldData($request->custom_fields_data, $company->id); } return Reply::success(__('messages.recordSaved')); } /** * custom lead form * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function ticketForm($id) { $this->pageTitle = 'modules.ticketForm'; $this->withLogo = \request()->get('with_logo'); $this->styled = \request()->get('styled'); $this->company = Company::where('hash', $id)->firstOrFail(); App::setLocale($this->company->locale); Carbon::setLocale($this->company->locale); setlocale(LC_TIME, $this->company->locale . '_' . mb_strtoupper($this->company->locale)); $this->groups = TicketGroup::where('company_id', $this->company->id)->get(); $this->ticketFormFields = TicketCustomForm::with('customField') ->where('company_id', $this->company->id) ->where('status', 'active') ->orderBy('field_order', 'asc') ->get(); $this->types = TicketType::where('company_id', $this->company->id)->get(); return view('ticket-form', $this->data); } /** * save lead * * @return array */ public function ticketStore(StoreCustomTicket $request) { $company = Company::findOrFail($request->company_id); if (global_setting()->google_recaptcha_status == 'active') { // Checking is google recaptcha is valid $gRecaptchaResponseInput = global_setting()->google_recaptcha_v3_status == 'active' ? 'g_recaptcha' : 'g-recaptcha-response'; $gRecaptchaResponse = $request->{$gRecaptchaResponseInput}; $validateRecaptcha = GlobalSetting::validateGoogleRecaptcha($gRecaptchaResponse); if (!$validateRecaptcha) { return Reply::error(__('auth.recaptchaFailed')); } } /* $rules['g-recaptcha-response'] = 'required'; */ $existing_user = User::withoutGlobalScope(ActiveScope::class)->select('id', 'email')->where('email', $request->email)->first(); $newUser = $existing_user; if (!$existing_user) { $userAuth = UserAuth::createUserAuthCredentials($request->email); $password = session('auth_pass'); // create new user $client = new User(); $client->company_id = $request->company_id; $client->name = $request->name; $client->email = $request->email; $client->email_notifications = $request->email_notifications ?? 1; $client->user_auth_id = $userAuth->id; $client->save(); event(new NewUserEvent($client, $password)); // attach role $role = Role::withoutGlobalScope(CompanyScope::class) ->where('name', 'client') ->where('company_id', $company->id) ->select('id') ->first(); $role ? $client->attachRole($role->id) : null; $clientDetail = new ClientDetails(); $clientDetail->company_id = $client->company_id; $clientDetail->user_id = $client->id; $clientDetail->save(); $client->assignUserRolePermission($role->id); // Log search $this->logSearchEntry($client->id, $client->name, 'clients.edit', 'client'); $this->logSearchEntry($client->id, $client->email, 'clients.edit', 'client'); $newUser = $client; } // Create New Ticket $ticket = new Ticket(); $ticket->company_id = $company->id; $ticket->subject = (request()->has('ticket_subject') ? $request->ticket_subject : ''); $ticket->status = 'open'; $ticket->user_id = $newUser->id; $ticket->type_id = (request()->has('type') ? $request->type : null); $ticket->priority = (request()->has('priority') ? $request->priority : 'medium'); $ticket->group_id = (request()->has('assign_group') ? $request->assign_group : null); $ticket->save(); // Save first message $reply = new TicketReply(); $reply->message = (request()->has('ticket_description') ? $request->ticket_description : ''); $reply->ticket_id = $ticket->id; $reply->user_id = $newUser->id; // Current logged in user $reply->save(); // To add custom fields data if ($request->custom_fields_data) { $ticket->updateCustomFieldData($request->custom_fields_data, $company->id); } return Reply::success(__('messages.ticketCreateSuccess')); } public function installedModule() { $message = ''; $plugins = Module::allEnabled(); /* @phpstan-ignore-line */ $applicationVersion = trim( preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', !file_exists(File::get(public_path() . '/version.txt')) ? File::get(public_path() . '/version.txt') : '0' ) ); $enableModules = []; $enableModules['application'] = 'worksuite'; $enableModules['version'] = $applicationVersion; $enableModules['worksuite'] = $applicationVersion; foreach ($plugins as $plugin) { $enableModules[$plugin->getName()] = trim( preg_replace( '/\s\s+/', ' ', !file_exists(File::get($plugin->getPath() . '/version.txt')) ? File::get($plugin->getPath() . '/version.txt') : '0' ) ); } if (!in_array('RestAPI', array_keys($plugins))) { $message = 'Rest API module is not activated'; } elseif (!Module::has('RestAPI')) { $message = 'Rest API module is not installed'; } elseif (((int)str_replace('.', '', $enableModules['RestAPI'])) < 110) { $message = 'Please update Rest API module greater then 1.1.0 version'; } elseif (((int)str_replace('.', '', $enableModules['worksuite'])) < 400) { $message = 'Please update' . config('') . ' greater then 4.0.0 version'; } $enableModules['message'] = $message; return ApiResponse::make('Plugin data fetched successfully', $enableModules); } public function proposal($hash) { $this->pageTitle = __(''); $this->pageIcon = 'icon-people'; $this->proposal = Proposal::with(['items', 'unit'])->where('hash', $hash)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $this->proposal->company; $this->discount = 0; if ($this->proposal->discount > 0) { if ($this->proposal->discount_type == 'percent') { $this->discount = (($this->proposal->discount / 100) * $this->proposal->sub_total); } else { $this->discount = $this->proposal->discount; } } $this->taxes = ProposalItem::where('type', 'tax') ->where('proposal_id', $this->proposal->id) ->get(); $items = ProposalItem::whereNotNull('taxes') ->where('proposal_id', $this->proposal->id) ->get(); $taxList = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { foreach (json_decode($item->taxes) as $tax) { $this->tax = ProposalItem::taxbyid($tax)->first(); if ($this->tax) { if (!isset($taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'])) { if ($this->proposal->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = ($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->proposal->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } } else { if ($this->proposal->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + (($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->proposal->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + ($item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } } } } } $this->taxes = $taxList; $lastViewed = now(); $ipAddress = request()->ip(); $this->proposal->last_viewed = $lastViewed; $this->proposal->ip_address = $ipAddress; $this->proposal->save(); return view('proposal', [ 'proposal' => $this->proposal, 'pageTitle' => $this->pageTitle, 'pageIcon' => $this->pageIcon, 'taxes' => $this->taxes, 'discount' => $this->discount, 'company' => $this->company, 'invoiceSetting' => $this->company->invoiceSetting, ]); } public function proposalActionStore(ProposalAcceptRequest $request, $id) { $this->proposal = Proposal::with('signature')->findOrFail($id); if ($this->proposal && $this->proposal->signature) { return Reply::error(__('messages.alreadySigned')); } if ($request->type == 'accept') { $sign = new ProposalSign(); $sign->full_name = $request->full_name; $sign->proposal_id = $this->proposal->id; $sign->email = $request->email; $imageName = null; if ($request->signature_type == 'signature' && $request->isSignatureNull == 'false') { $image = $request->signature; // your base64 encoded $image = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $image); $image = str_replace(' ', '+', $image); $imageName = str_random(32) . '.' . 'jpg'; Files::createDirectoryIfNotExist('proposal/sign'); File::put(public_path() . '/' . Files::UPLOAD_FOLDER . '/proposal/sign/' . $imageName, base64_decode($image)); Files::uploadLocalFile($imageName, 'proposal/sign', $this->proposal->company_id); } else { if ($request->hasFile('image')) { $imageName = Files::uploadLocalOrS3($request->image, 'proposal/sign', 300); } } $sign->signature = $imageName; $sign->save(); $this->proposal->status = 'accepted'; } else { $this->proposal->client_comment = $request->comment; $this->proposal->status = 'declined'; } $this->proposal->save(); return Reply::success(__('messages.updateSuccess')); } public function domPdfObjectProposalDownload($id) { $this->proposal = Proposal::where('hash', $id)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $this->proposal->company; $this->discount = 0; if ($this->proposal->discount > 0) { if ($this->proposal->discount_type == 'percent') { $this->discount = (($this->proposal->discount / 100) * $this->proposal->sub_total); } else { $this->discount = $this->proposal->discount; } } $this->taxes = ProposalItem::where('type', 'tax') ->where('proposal_id', $this->proposal->id) ->get(); $items = ProposalItem::whereNotNull('taxes') ->where('proposal_id', $this->proposal->id) ->get(); $taxList = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { foreach (json_decode($item->taxes) as $tax) { $this->tax = ProposalItem::taxbyid($tax)->first(); if ($this->tax) { if (!isset($taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'])) { if ($this->proposal->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = ($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->proposal->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100); } } else { if ($this->proposal->calculate_tax == 'after_discount' && $this->discount > 0) { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + (($item->amount - ($item->amount / $this->proposal->sub_total) * $this->discount) * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } else { $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] = $taxList[$this->tax->tax_name . ': ' . $this->tax->rate_percent . '%'] + ($item->amount * ($this->tax->rate_percent / 100)); } } } } } $this->taxes = $taxList; $this->invoiceSetting = $this->company->invoiceSetting; App::setLocale($this->invoiceSetting->locale ?? 'en'); Carbon::setLocale($this->invoiceSetting->locale ?? 'en'); $pdf = app('dompdf.wrapper'); $pdf->setOption('enable_php', true); $pdf->setOption('isHtml5ParserEnabled', true); $pdf->setOption('isRemoteEnabled', true); $pdf->loadView('proposals.pdf.' . $this->invoiceSetting->template, $this->data); $filename = 'proposal-' . $this->proposal->id; return [ 'pdf' => $pdf, 'fileName' => $filename ]; } /** * @param int $id * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\BinaryFileResponse */ public function downloadProposal($id) { $this->proposal = Proposal::where('hash', $id)->firstOrFail(); $this->company = $this->proposal->company; App::setLocale($this->company->locale ?? 'en'); $pdfOption = $this->domPdfObjectProposalDownload($id); $pdf = $pdfOption['pdf']; $filename = $pdfOption['fileName']; return $pdf->download($filename . '.pdf'); } public function invoicePaymentfailed($invoiceId) { $invoice = Invoice::findOrFail($invoiceId); $errorMessage = []; if (request()->gateway == 'Razorpay') { $errorMessage = ['code' => request()->errorMessage['code'], 'message' => request()->errorMessage['description']]; } if (request()->gateway == 'Stripe') { $errorMessage = ['code' => request()->errorMessage['type'], 'message' => request()->errorMessage['message']]; } /* make new payment entry with status=failed and other details */ $payment = new Payment(); $payment->company_id = $invoice->company->id; $payment->invoice_id = $invoice->id; $payment->currency_id = $invoice->currency_id; $payment->amount = $invoice->total; $payment->gateway = request()->gateway; $payment->paid_on = now(); $payment->status = 'failed'; /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $payment->payment_gateway_response = $errorMessage; $payment->save(); return Reply::error(__('messages.paymentFailed')); } public function showImage() { $this->imageUrl = request()->image_url; return view('front.image.show_image', $this->data); } public function showPieChart() { $this->chartData = json_decode(request()->chart_data, true); $this->chartId = request()->chart_id; return view('front.charts.pie-chart', $this->data); } public function syncPermissions() { return Artisan::call('sync-user-permissions'); } public function changeLang($locale) { session(['locale' => $locale]); $lang = LanguageSetting::where('language_code', $locale)->first()->is_rtl; session()->forget('changedRtl'); session(['changedRtl' => $lang == true ? true : false]); return Reply::success(__('messages.updateSuccess')); } public function ganttDataNew($projectID, $hideCompleted, $company) { $taskBoardColumn = TaskboardColumn::completeColumn(); if ($hideCompleted == 0) { $milestones = ProjectMilestone::with(['tasks' => function ($q) { return $q->whereNotNull('tasks.start_date'); }, 'tasks.boardColumn'])->where('project_id', $projectID)->get(); } else { $milestones = ProjectMilestone::with(['tasks' => function ($q) use ($taskBoardColumn) { return $q->whereNotNull('tasks.start_date')->where('tasks.board_column_id', '<>', $taskBoardColumn->id); }, 'tasks.boardColumn']) ->where('status', 'incomplete') ->where('project_id', $projectID)->get(); } $nonMilestoneTasks = Task::whereNull('milestone_id')->whereNotNull('start_date')->with('boardColumn'); if ($hideCompleted == 1) { $nonMilestoneTasks = $nonMilestoneTasks->where('tasks.board_column_id', '<>', $taskBoardColumn->id); } $nonMilestoneTasks = $nonMilestoneTasks->where('project_id', $projectID)->get(); $ganttData = []; $ganttData['data'] = []; $ganttData['links'] = []; foreach ($milestones as $key => $milestone) { $parentID = 'project-' . $milestone->id; $ganttData['data'][] = [ 'id' => $parentID, 'text' => $milestone->milestone_title, 'type' => 'project', 'start_date' => $milestone->start_date->format('d-m-Y H:i'), 'duration' => $milestone->start_date->diffInDays($milestone->end_date) + 1, 'progress' => ($milestone->tasks->count()) ? ($milestone->completionPercent() / 100) : 0, 'parent' => 0, 'open' => ($milestone->status == 'incomplete'), 'color' => '#cccccc', 'textColor' => '#09203F', 'linkable' => false, 'priority' => ($key + 1) ]; foreach ($milestone->tasks as $key2 => $task) { $taskUsers = '<div class="d-inline-flex align-items-center ml-1 text-dark w-180" data-task-id="'.$task->id.'">'; foreach($task->users as $item) { $taskUsers .= '<img data-toggle="tooltip" class="taskEmployeeImg rounded-circle mr-1" data-original-title="'.$item->name.'" src="'.$item->image_url.'">'; } $taskUsers .= $task->heading . ' ' . view('components.status', ['style' => 'color: ' . $task->boardColumn->label_color, 'value' => $task->boardColumn->column_name, 'color' => 'red'])->render() . '</div>'; $ganttData['data'][] = [ 'id' => $task->id, 'text' => $task->heading, 'hash' => $task->hash, 'text_user' => $taskUsers, 'type' => 'task', 'start_date' => $task->start_date->format('d-m-Y H:i'), 'duration' => (($task->due_date) ? $task->start_date->diffInDays($task->due_date) + 1 : 1), 'parent' => $parentID, 'priority' => ($key2 + 1), 'color' => $task->boardColumn->label_color.'20', 'textColor' => '#09203F', 'view' => view('', ['task' => $task, 'draggable' => false, 'company' => $company])->render() ]; if (!is_null($task->dependent_task_id)) { $ganttData['links'][] = [ 'id' => $task->id, 'source' => $task->dependent_task_id, 'target' => $task->id, 'type' => 0 ]; } } if ($milestone->tasks->count()) { $ganttData['data'][] = [ 'id' => 'milestone-' . $milestone->id, 'text' => $milestone->milestone_title, 'type' => 'milestone', 'start_date' => (($task->due_date) ? $task->due_date->format('d-m-Y H:i') : $task->start_date->format('d-m-Y H:i')), 'duration' => (($task->due_date) ? $task->start_date->diffInDays($task->due_date) + 1 : 1), 'parent' => $parentID, ]; $ganttData['links'][] = [ 'id' => 'milestone-' . $milestone->id, 'source' => $task->id, 'target' => 'milestone-' . $milestone->id, 'type' => 0 ]; } } foreach ($nonMilestoneTasks as $key2 => $task) { $taskUsers = '<div class="d-inline-flex align-items-center ml-1 text-dark w-180" data-task-id="'.$task->id.'">'; foreach($task->users as $item) { $taskUsers .= '<img data-toggle="tooltip" class="taskEmployeeImg rounded-circle mr-1" data-original-title="'.$item->name.'" src="'.$item->image_url.'">'; } $taskUsers .= $task->heading . ' ' . view('components.status', ['style' => 'color: ' . $task->boardColumn->label_color, 'value' => $task->boardColumn->column_name, 'color' => 'red'])->render() . '</div>'; $ganttData['data'][] = [ 'id' => $task->id, 'text' => $task->heading, 'text_user' => $taskUsers, 'type' => 'task', 'start_date' => $task->start_date->format('d-m-Y H:i'), 'duration' => (($task->due_date) ? $task->start_date->diffInDays($task->due_date) : 1), 'priority' => ($key2 + 1), 'color' => $task->boardColumn->label_color.'20', 'textColor' => '#09203F', 'view' => view('', ['task' => $task, 'draggable' => false, 'company' => $company])->render() ]; if (!is_null($task->dependent_task_id)) { $ganttData['links'][] = [ 'id' => $task->id, 'source' => $task->dependent_task_id, 'target' => $task->id, 'type' => 0 ]; } } $ganttData['links'] = array_merge($ganttData['links'], GanttLink::where('project_id', $projectID)->select('id', 'type', 'source', 'target', 'type')->get()->toArray()); return $ganttData; } }