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#!/usr/bin/perl # encoding: utf-8 # # author: Kyle Yetter # =pod =head1 column-list column-list - flow a single list of items into a multi-column list display =head1 SYNOPSIS column-list [options] < item-list.txt =head1 DESCRIPTION Reads list a newline-separated list of items from standard input and prints it in a column-flowed list to standard output. =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-c>, B<--columns>=I<N> Set the number of columns to use in the output. =item B<-s>, B<--spacer>=I<"space text"> Set the text to place inbetween each column. =item B<-w>, B<--width>=I<N> Set the maximum width of the output. This defaults to the width of the terminal. It is ignored if --columns is specified. =item B<--man> Show documentation for this program as a man page. =item B<-h>, B<--help> You know the drill =item B<-v>, B<--version> Ditto =back =head1 EXAMPLES $] cat /usr/share/dict/words | sort -R | head -30 | sort | column-list Abyssinia's executrix's heartrending Lindsay's payers rhetoric bogies futuristics hostelers Lister Poltava setter chimps gracious insects Luella rasher Shelia's Constance Haywood's Joesph nth receptionists sporty Croatian headstone's Knuth's orphaned rhapsodic sustains $] cat /usr/share/dict/words | sort -R | head -30 | sort | column-list -c 3 blackmailing expostulation's phrasal Budapest's hydraulics's Ramiro chasing Ignatius's sprayed completion inflexion's sufficiency's cowards japan Swedenborg's dispensations jurisdiction's swords economics Laramie's unwieldy edifices modernism useable endowment's narcosis's vetch's enriched Pensacola warily $] cat /usr/share/dict/words | sort -R | head -30 | sort | column-list -w 30 -s ' | ' apprentice | interlink blenches | Lean brawled | levelness's carcass's | overfull civilize | positional convalescence | qualm cub's | rote's Davies | salvages dieter | sheet's doting | she'll gargoyles | skidding goggle | southerly gorillas | stamina's identifiers | stringiest ignobly | timing's =cut use POSIX qw( ceil floor ); use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; our $VERSION = 1.0; our $spacer = ' '; our $column_count = undef; our @items = (); our @sorted_items = (); our $window_width; our $window_height; { my @size = ( $ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 80, $ENV{'LINES'} || 22 ); my $tiocgwinsz = 0x5413; eval { my $data = ''; if ( ioctl( STDERR, $tiocgwinsz, $data ) >= 0 ) { my ( $height, $width ) = unpack( "SSSS", $data ); $size[ 1 ] = $height if $height >= 0; $size[ 0 ] = $width if $width >= 0; } }; $window_width = $size[ 0 ]; $window_height = $size[ 1 ]; } our $max_width = $window_width; sub bleach($) { my ( $colored ) = @_; $colored =~ s(\033\[.*?m)()g; return $colored; } sub clen($) { return length( bleach( $_[ 0 ] ) ); } sub ljust($$) { my ( $string, $width ) = @_; my $len = clen( $string ); return $string if $width <= $len; my $padding = $width - $len; return( $string . ( ' ' x $padding ) ); } sub calculate_columns($) { my ( $n ) = @_; my $l = scalar( @items ); my $rows = floor( $l / $n ); my $rem = $l % $n; my @cols = map { 0 } ( 1 ... $n ); my @entries = @sorted_items; my $column_number; my $entry; if ( $rem ) { $rows += 1; } for ( 1 .. $n ) { do { $entry = shift( @entries ) or last; $column_number = floor( $entry->[ 2 ] / $rows ); } while $cols[ $column_number ]; $cols[ $column_number ] = $entry->[ 1 ]; } return( @cols ); } sub optimize_columns { my $limit = $max_width; my $l = scalar( @items ); my $rem = $l % 2; my $c = floor( $l / 2 ); my $column_spacing = clen( $spacer ); my $best_columns = 1; if ( $rem ) { $c++; } unless ( $l ) { return; } for my $number_of_rows ( 1 .. $c ) { my $number_of_columns = ceil( $l / $number_of_rows ); my @columns = calculate_columns( $number_of_columns ); my $total_width = 0; for my $w ( @columns ) { $total_width += $w; } $total_width += ( $number_of_columns - 1 ) * $column_spacing; if ( $total_width <= $limit ) { $best_columns = $number_of_columns; last; } } return $best_columns; } GetOptions( 'c|columns=i' => \$column_count, 's|spacer=s' => \$spacer, 'w|width=i' => \$max_width, 'h|help' => sub { pod2usage( 0 ); }, 'v|version' => sub { print "$VERSION\n"; exit( 0 ); }, 'man' => sub { pod2usage( { -exitval => 0, -verbose => 2 } ); } ); my $i = 0; while ( <> ) { chomp; if ( $_ ) { push( @items, [ $_, clen( $_ ), $i++ ] ); } } unless ( @items ) { print "\n"; exit( 0 ); } @sorted_items = sort { $b->[ 1 ] <=> $a->[ 1 ] } @items; unless ( $column_count ) { $column_count = optimize_columns(); } our @column_widths = calculate_columns( $column_count ); our $row_count = ceil( scalar( @items ) / $column_count ); our @rows = (); for my $row_index ( 0 .. ( $row_count - 1 ) ) { for my $column_index ( 0 .. ( $column_count - 1 ) ) { my $w = $column_widths[ $column_index ]; my $i = $row_index + ( $column_index * $row_count ); my $entry = $items[ $i ]; my $text = ljust( $entry ? $entry->[ 0 ] : '', $w ); if ( $column_index ) { print( $spacer ); } print( $text ); } print "\n"; }