One Hat Cyber Team
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Linux 5.14.0-427.33.1.el9_4.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Aug 30 09:45:56 EDT 2024 x86_64
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a �g� � @ s� d dl mZmZ d dlmZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlm Z m Z mZ d dlm Z mZ d dlmZ eed ed eeeeef ef f d �d d�Zdd � Zeed d�dd�Zeeeef ejeeeedf f d�dd�Zejed�dd�ZdS )� )�Union�Literal)�PathN)�err_exit�print_listed�warn)�is_exe�which)�yellow)�APF�CSF�ipset+fail2ban)�/usr/local/sbin/apf� /usr/sbin/csfN)�returnc C s� t d�rd} td�}d}n@t d�r4d} td�}d}n&t d�rRtd�rRd }d }d } ntd� |d u rntt� �}n4z|jdd �}W n" ty� td|� d�� Y n0 || |fS )a� Yields a tuple of fw_name, fw_command, fw_data. fw_name will be "APF", "CSF", or "ipset+fail2ban". If fw_name was "APF" or "CSF", fw_command will be the path to its exe. If fw_name was "APF" or "CSF", fw_data will be the contents of its deny file. Otherwise, fw_data will be a list of dicts containing "listname" and "ip". Returns: tuple[str, str | None, list[dict[str, str] | None]]: see above r z/etc/apf/deny_hosts.rulesr r z/etc/csf/csf.denyr z#/opt/imh-python/bin/fail2ban-client�ipsetr NzCannot identify firewall�utf-8��encodingzCannot read z. Firewall is misconfigured.)r r r r �list�read_ipset_save� read_text�FileNotFoundError)Zfw_cmdZ deny_file�nameZ deny_data� r �#./opt/support/lib/�fw_info s( r c c sn t �d�} tjddgdtjdd��8}|jD ] }| �|�� � }r*|�� V q*W d � n1 s`0 Y d S )Nz4add (?P<listname>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+) (?P<ip>[0-9\./]+)$r Zsaver T)r �stdoutZuniversal_newlines) �re�compile� subprocess�Popen�PIPEr �match�rstrip� groupdict)Zirgx�proc�liner# r r r r 5 s � r )�ACCEPTZDROPZDENY�UNKNOWN)�listnamer c C sx zt jddgdd�}W n tt jfy6 td� Y n0 dd� |�� D �}|D ]$}| |�� d krN|�� d S qNd S )z;Check whether an ipset list is set to ACCEPT, DROP, or DENY�iptables�-nLr r z1Failed to execute iptables to determine list typec S s g | ]}|� d �dkr|�qS )z match-setr )�find)�.0�xr r r � <listcomp>L � z%ipset_list_action.<locals>.<listcomp>� r r) )r �check_output�OSError�CalledProcessErrorr � splitlines�split)r* r+ Zipt_dataZtliner r r �ipset_list_actionB s � r8 )�fw_data�ipaddrr c C s� d}| D ]F}z(|t �|d �v }|r2|d }W qPW q t jyL Y qY q0 qt|�}|slt|dd� dS t|dd|� d |� d �� |dkr�t|� d�td � dS |�d�r�td|�dd�td � ||�dd�fS |dfS )a� Check deny_data ``fw_info()`` for an IP address. If found, return whether it's blocked and in what fail2ban list if it was automatically blocked Args: fw_data (list[dict[str, str]]): third arg returned by ``fw_info()`` ipaddr (netaddr.IPAddress): IP address to check Returns: tuple[bool, str | None]]: if blocked and in what fail2ban list if any NZipr* Fzany ipset or fail2ban list)FNTzthe � z listr( z# is NOT BLOCKED. It is whitelisted.)Zcolorzf2b-z*Automatically blocked by fail2ban in jail:� ) �netaddrZ IPNetworkZAddrFormatErrorr8 r r r � startswith�replace)r9 r: Z list_nameZtnetZlistedZlist_actionr r r �ipset_fail2ban_checkS s2 �r@ )r: r c C sf zt jddgdd�}W n tt jfy6 td� Y n0 |�� D ] }|�d�s@t| �|v r@ dS q@dS ) zTSearch iptables -nL for a line containing an IP which does not start with ACCEPTr+ r, r r zcould not run iptables -nLr( TF)r r3 r4 r5 r r6 r>