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#!/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/perl # encoding: utf-8 # # author: Kyle Yetter # BEGIN { unshift @INC, '/usr/local/cpanel'; } # since the local SSL certificate's probably self-signed, allow the query # to skip certificate verification $ENV{'PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME'} = 0; our $VERSION = 1.4; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use URI; use File::Basename; use File::Slurp qw( slurp read_dir ); use File::Spec::Functions; use Getopt::Long; use JSON::Syck; use Data::Dumper; use Term::ANSIColor; use Pod::Usage; use Text::Wrap; use Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile (); sub tidy($) { my ( $str ) = @_; $str =~ s(^\s+\| ?)()g; $str =~ s(\A\s+|\s+\z)()g; return $str; } sub p { print( Dumper( @_ ), "\n" ); return @_; } sub get_prefix($) { my ( $name ) = @_; my $pre = substr($name, 0, 8); return $pre; } # this module's missing sometimes, so check if it's available. # If not, the script will fail in a hard-to-figure-out way. eval { require LWP::Protocol::https; } or do { die tidy q( | LWP::Protocol::https is not installed on this system. | It can be installed via: | /scripts/perlinstaller LWP::Protocol::https ); }; #################################################################################################### ##################################### Global Options and Values #################################### #################################################################################################### # display extra debugging info if true our $debug = 0; # if true, don't colorize output with ANSI escape sequences our $bleach = 0; # set to 0 when a WHM api call fails our $api_success = 1; # the cPanel user name for the account we're messing with our $user = undef; # the basic cPanel user information for the user our $prefix = undef; # the basic cPanel user information for the user our $user_data = undef; # stores the cPanel API access key, which will be read from disk on demand our $whm_access_key = undef; # set to 1 if this script had to create a cPanel access hash our $created_access_hash = 0; our $mysql_dbs = undef; our $mysql_users = undef; our $addon_domains = undef; our $parked_domains = undef; our $subdomains = undef; our $ftp_users = undef; our $do_help = 0; our $program_name = basename( $0 ); our $print_metrics = { indent_size => 4, right_margin => 4, center_margin => 4, win_width => undef, column_width => undef, desc_width => undef }; END { # # If we had to create a temporary access hash to make this work, # make sure it gets trashed # if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' && $created_access_hash ) { unlink( '/root/.accesshash' ) or die( "failed to remove /root/.accesshash" ); } } #################################################################################################### ##################################### Global Utility Functions ##################################### #################################################################################################### sub c($$) { my ( $str, $style ) = @_; $str = colored( $str, $style ) unless $bleach; return $str; } sub d { if ( $debug ) { my ( $fmt, @params ) = @_; local $\ = "\n"; my $message = c( sprintf( $fmt, @params ), 'cyan' ); print STDERR "DEBUG: $message"; } } sub fail { my $message = sprintf( @_ ); $message = c( $message, 'red' ); print STDERR $message; exit( 1 ); } sub read_delimited($$) { my $path = shift; my $delim = shift; my %data; foreach ( slurp( $path ) ) { chomp; s(^\s+|\s+$)()g; # strip the line next if /^\s*(?:#.*)?$/; # skip over blank and comment lines my ( $key, $value ) = split( /$delim/, $_, 2 ); $data{$key} = $value; } return %data; } sub window_size { my @size = ( $ENV{'COLUMNS'} || 80, $ENV{'LINES'} || 22 ); my $tiocgwinsz = 0x5413; eval { my $data = ''; if ( ioctl( STDERR, $tiocgwinsz, $data ) >= 0 ) { my ( $height, $width ) = unpack( "SSSS", $data ); $size[ 1 ] = $height if $height >= 0; $size[ 0 ] = $width if $width >= 0; } }; return @size; } sub load_json($) { my ( $source ) = @_; my $data; eval { $data = JSON::Syck::Load( $source ); }; if ( $@ ) { die( $@ . "\nJSON SOURCE:\n" . $source ); } return $data; } sub quick_api($%) { my $function = shift; my %params = @_; my $uri = URI->new( "$function" ); $uri->query_form( %params ); d "query URI: %s", $uri; my $auth = "WHM root:" . whm_access_key(); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$uri" ); $request->header( Authorization => $auth ); my $response = $ua->request( $request ); my $data = load_json( $response->content ); d "json data:\n%s", Dumper( $data ) if $debug; # ^-- keeps the Dumper call from executing unless totally necessary return $data; } sub modular_api_v1($$@) { my $module = shift; my $func = shift; my @args = @_; my %opts = ( cpanel_jsonapi_user => $user, cpanel_jsonapi_module => $module, cpanel_jsonapi_func => $func, cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => 1 ); for my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) { $opts{ "arg-$i" } = $args[ $i ]; } my $result = quick_api( 'cpanel', %opts ); } sub modular_api_v2($$%) { my $module = shift; my $func = shift; my %opts = ( cpanel_jsonapi_user => $user, cpanel_jsonapi_module => $module, cpanel_jsonapi_func => $func, cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => 2, @_ ); my $result = quick_api( 'cpanel', %opts ); return $result->{ cpanelresult }; } sub whm_access_key { if ( $whm_access_key ) { return $whm_access_key; } unless ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) { $ENV{ REMOTE_USER } = 'root'; `/usr/local/cpanel/bin/mkaccesshash`; delete $ENV{ REMOTE_USER }; $created_access_hash = 1; } if ( -f '/root/.accesshash' ) { $whm_access_key = slurp( "/root/.accesshash" ) or die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!"; $whm_access_key =~ s/\n//g; } else { die "could not read /root/.accesshash: $!"; } return $whm_access_key; } our $domain_rx = qr((?:(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?)\.)*(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9\-]*[a-z0-9])?)(?:\.(?:m(?:[acdeghkmnpqrstvwxyz]|u(?:seum)?|o(?:bi)?|i?l)|a(?:[cdfgilmnoqtuwxz]|e(?:ro)?|r(?:pa)?|s(?:ia)?)|c(?:[cdfghiklmnruvxyz]|o(?:op|m)?|at?)|t(?:[cdfghjkmnoptvwz]|r(?:avel)?|e?l)|n(?:[cfgilopruz]|a(?:me)?|et?)|b(?:[abdefghjmnorstvwyz]|iz?)|g(?:[abdefghilmnpqrstuwy]|ov)|i(?:[delmoqrst]|n(?:fo|t)?)|p(?:[aefghklmnstwy]|ro?)|s[abcdeghijklmnortuvyz]|j(?:[emp]|o(?:bs)?)|e(?:[cegrst]|d?u)|k[eghimnprwyz]|l[abcikrstuvy]|v[aceginu]|d[ejkmoz]|f[ijkmor]|h[kmnrtu]|o(?:rg|m)|u[agksyz]|r[eosuw]|z[amw]|w[fs]|y[et]|qa))+)i; our $ip_rx = qr(^(?:(?:2(?:[0-4]\d|5[0-5])|1\d{2}|\d{1,2})\.){3}(?:2(?:[0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|1\d{2}|\d{1,2})$); sub who_owns( $ ) { my $domain = quotemeta( shift ); my $user = undef; open( USERDOMAINS, "/etc/userdomains" ) or die "could not open /etc/userdomains: $!"; SEARCH: while( <USERDOMAINS> ) { if ( /^$domain: (\S+)/i ) { $user = $1; $prefix = get_prefix($user); last SEARCH; } } close( USERDOMAINS ); return $user; } sub complete_word($$) { my $fragment = shift; my $data = shift; my $type = ref( $data ); my @words; if ( $type eq 'HASH' ) { @words = keys %$data; } elsif ( $type eq 'ARRAY' ) { @words = @$data; } my $search = quotemeta( $fragment ); my @matches = grep /^$search/i, @words; my $found = scalar( @matches ); # ambiguous completion if ( $found > 1 ) { $search = lc( $fragment ); foreach ( @matches ) { $search eq lc( $_ ) and return $_; } my @pretty = map { "`$_'" } @matches; my $tail = pop @pretty; my $head = join( ', ', @pretty ); my $display = $head ? "$head and $tail" : $tail; $@ = "ambiguous completion for `$fragment': matches $display"; return; } elsif ( $found == 1 ) { return $matches[ 0 ]; } else { $@ = "unknown command `$fragment'"; return; } } sub set_user($) { ( $user ) = @_; $user_data = Cpanel::Config::LoadCpUserFile::loadcpuserfile( $user ); } sub load_mysql_data(;$) { my ( $force_update ) = @_; unless ( $mysql_dbs && !$force_update ) { my %databases; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'MysqlFE', 'listdbs' ); for my $db_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $databases{ $db_info->{ db } } = $db_info; } $mysql_dbs = \%databases; } unless ( $mysql_users && !$force_update ) { my %users; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'MysqlFE', 'listusers' ); for my $user_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $users{ $user_info->{ user } } = $user_info; } $mysql_users = \%users; } } sub load_addon_domains(;$) { my ( $force_update ) = @_; unless ( $addon_domains && !$force_update ) { my %domains; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'AddonDomain', 'listaddondomains' ); for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info; } $addon_domains = \%domains; } } sub load_parked_domains(;$) { my ( $force_update ) = @_; unless ( $parked_domains && !$force_update ) { my %domains; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'Park', 'listparkeddomains' ); for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info; } $parked_domains = \%domains; } } sub load_subdomains(;$) { my ( $force_update ) = @_; unless ( $subdomains && !$force_update ) { my %domains; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'SubDomain', 'listsubdomains' ); for my $dom_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $domains{ $dom_info->{ domain } } = $dom_info; } $subdomains = \%domains; } } sub load_ftp_users(;$) { my ( $force_update ) = @_; unless ( $ftp_users && !$force_update ) { my %users; my $data = modular_api_v2( 'Ftp', 'listftp' ); for my $ftp_info ( @{ $data->{ data } } ) { $users{ $ftp_info->{ user } } = $ftp_info; } $ftp_users = \%users; } } sub is_user($) { my ( $name ) = @_; return( -f "/var/cpanel/users/$name" ); } sub is_mysql_db($) { my ( $name ) = @_; load_mysql_data; return $mysql_dbs->{ $name }; } sub is_mysql_user($) { my ( $name ) = @_; load_mysql_data; return $mysql_users->{ $name }; } sub check_mysql_db_name($) { $_ = $_[0]; my $limit = 64 - length( $prefix ) - 1; unless ( /^[a-z0-9]+$/i ) { die "the given database name `$_' contains invalid characters (should only be letters and numbers)"; } if ( length > $limit ) { die "the given database name `$_' is too long -- must be less than $limit characters in length"; } } sub check_mysql_user_name($) { $_ = $_[0]; my $limit = 16 - length( $prefix ) - 1; unless ( /^[a-z0-9]+$/i ) { die "the given MySQL user name `$_' contains invalid characters (should only be letters and numbers)"; } if ( length > $limit ) { die "the given MySQL user name `$_' is too long -- must be less than $limit characters in length"; } } #################################################################################################### ########################################### class Command ########################################## #################################################################################################### { package Command; use Class::Struct; struct( 'Command', [ 'group' => '$', 'name' => '$', 'desc' => '$', 'arguments' => '%', 'api_version' => '$', 'api_module' => '$', 'api_func' => '$', 'execute' => '$', 'reporter' => '$', 'argument_handler' => '$', 'depth' => '$', 'parent' => '$', 'options' => '%', 'result' => '$', 'success' => '$', 'message' => '$' ] ); *window_size = *main::window_size; *c = *main::c; *load_json = *main::load_json; *is_user = *main::is_user; *whm_access_key = *main::whm_access_key; sub bind($@) { my $self = shift; $self->clear; my @argv = $self->prepare_arguments( @_ ); # since values may get bound by hook methods and options, # focus only on unbound arguments my @params = grep { not $_->bound } values %{ $self->arguments }; @params = sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } @params; my $required_arity = 0; for ( @params ) { $required_arity += 1 if $_->required; } if ( @argv < $required_arity ) { $self->help( "too few arguments given" ); } elsif ( @argv > @params ) { $self->help( "too many arguments given" ); } my $optional_slots = @argv - $required_arity; if ( @argv ) { BINDING: for my $i ( 0 .. $#argv ) { my $param = $params[ $i ]; my $value = $argv[ $i ]; unless ( $param->required ) { if ( $optional_slots > 0 ) { $optional_slots -= 1; } else { next BINDING; } } $param->bind( $value ) if defined( $value ); } } return $self; } sub prepare_arguments($@) { my $self = shift; my @argv = @_; my $handler = $self->argument_handler; return $handler ? $handler->( $self, @argv ) : @argv; } sub clear($) { my $self = shift; $_->clear for values %{ $self->arguments }; return $self; } sub uri($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = $self->api_version; my $uri = URI->new( "" ); my %params = ( cpanel_jsonapi_user => $user, cpanel_jsonapi_module => $self->api_module, cpanel_jsonapi_func => $self->api_func, cpanel_jsonapi_apiversion => $self->api_version ); my @arg_spec = values %{ $self->arguments }; foreach my $spec ( @arg_spec ) { my $v = $spec->value; if ( defined $v ) { $params{ $spec->query_key } = $v; } } $uri->query_form( %params ); return $uri; } sub run { my $self = shift; my @argv = @_; if ( $argv[ 0 ] eq 'help' ) { $do_help = 1; shift( @argv ); } if ( $do_help ) { $self->help( 0 ); } unless ( $user ) { if ( is_user( $argv[ 0 ] ) ) { set_user( shift( @argv ) ); } else { die "no valid user name provided for this command"; } } my $execute = $self->execute; if ( $execute ) { return $execute->( $self, @argv ); } else { my $success = $self->api_call( @argv ); $self->report; return $success; } } sub report($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $reporter = $self->reporter; $reporter ? $reporter->( $self ) : $self->default_report; } sub default_report($$) { my ( $self, $result ) = @_; print c( $self->message, $self->success ? 'green' : 'red' ); } sub api_call($@) { my $self = shift; my @argv = @_; $self->bind( @argv ); my $uri = $self->uri; my $auth = "WHM root:" . whm_access_key(); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "$uri" ); $request->header( Authorization => $auth ); my $response = $ua->request( $request ); my $data = load_json( $response->content ); my $success = 1; my $message = 'OK'; if ( $self->api_version == 2 ) { if ( exists $data->{ cpanelresult } ) { $data = $data->{ cpanelresult }; } } if ( exists $data->{ error } ) { $success = 0; $message = $data->{ error }; } elsif ( exists $data->{ data } ) { my $content = $data->{ data }; if ( ref( $content ) eq 'ARRAY' ) { $content = $content->[ 0 ]; } if ( ref( $content ) eq 'HASH' ) { if ( exists $content->{ reason } ) { $success = $content->{ result }; $message = $content->{ reason }; } elsif ( exists $content->{ result } ) { $message = $content->{ result }; } } } $self->success( $success ); $self->message( $message ); $self->result( $data ); return $success; } sub argument($$$%) { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $desc = shift; my %options = @_; my $pos = scalar keys %{ $self->arguments }; my $validate = $options{ validate }; my $cast = $options{ cast }; my $default = $options{ default }; my $required = !exists $options{ default }; my $key = $options{ key } || $name; if ( $self->api_version == 1 ) { $key = "arg-$pos"; } if ( exists $options{ required } ) { $required = $options{ required }; } my $arg = Command::Argument->new(); $arg->command( $self ); $arg->name( $name ); $arg->desc( $desc ); $arg->position( $pos ); $arg->required( $required ); $arg->default_value( $default ); $arg->validate( $validate ); $arg->cast( $cast ); $arg->query_key( $key ); $self->arguments( $name, $arg ); return $arg; } sub option($@) { my ( $self, @option_params ) = @_; my $option = Command::Option->new(); $option->configure( @option_params ); $self->options( $option->name, $option ); return $option; } sub argument_list($) { my ( $self ) = @_; return( sort { $a->position <=> $b->position } values %{ $self->arguments } ); } sub help($;$) { my $self = shift; my $parent = $self->parent; my $error_message = shift; my $exit_status = 0; if ( $error_message ) { print c( "ERROR: $error_message", 'red' ), "\n"; $exit_status = 1; } $self->compute_print_metrics; print "USAGE: ", $self->usage_summary, "\n\n"; my $win_width = $print_metrics->{ win_width }; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $indent = ' ' x $indent_size; my @desc_lines = wrap( $self->desc, $win_width - $indent_size - $right_margin ); print( $indent, $_, "\n" ) for @desc_lines; print "\n"; if ( %{ $self->arguments } ) { print "ARGUMENTS:\n"; $self->print_arguments; print "\n"; } else { print "ARGUMENTS: (none)\n\n"; } my $takes_options = 0; OPT_SEARCH: for ( my $node = $self; $node; $node = $node->parent ) { if ( %{ $node->options } ) { $takes_options = 1; last OPT_SEARCH; } } if ( $takes_options ) { print "OPTIONS:\n"; $self->print_options; } exit( $exit_status ); } sub print_arguments($) { my $self = shift; my $column_width = $print_metrics->{ column_width }; my $desc_width = $print_metrics->{ desc_width }; my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; my $arg_width = $column_width - $indent_size; my $mask = "%-${arg_width}s"; my $indent = ' ' x $indent_size; my $fill = ' ' x $arg_width; my $center_fill = ' ' x $center_margin; for my $arg ( $self->argument_list ) { my $aname = sprintf( $mask, $arg->name ); my ( $first, @lines ) = wrap( $arg->desc, $desc_width ); print( $indent, c( $aname, 'magenta' ), $center_fill, $first, "\n" ); print( $indent, $fill, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines; } } sub print_options($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @opts = values %{ $self->options }; if ( @opts ) { my $depth = $self->depth; my $name = ucfirst( $self->name || "global" ); my $column_width = $print_metrics->{ column_width }; my $desc_width = $print_metrics->{ desc_width }; my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; my $option_width = $column_width - ( 2 * $indent_size ); my $indent_space = ' ' x $indent_size; my $center_fill = ' ' x $center_margin; my $filler = ( ' ' x $option_width ); print( $indent_space, "$name Options:\n" ); my $name_mask = "%-${option_width}s"; @opts = sort { $a->name cmp $b-> name } @opts; foreach my $o ( @opts ) { my $oname = sprintf( $name_mask, $o->summary ); my ( $first, @lines ) = wrap( $o->desc, $desc_width ); print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $oname, $center_fill, $first, "\n" ); print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $filler, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines; } } my $parent = $self->parent; $parent->print_options() if $parent; return $self; } sub get_value($$) { my ( $self, $arg_name ) = @_; my $arg = $self->arguments( $arg_name ) or die "invalid argument name `$arg_name'"; return $arg->value; } sub set_value($$$) { my ( $self, $arg_name, $value ) = @_; my $arg = $self->arguments( $arg_name ) or die "invalid argument name `$arg_name'"; $arg->bind( $value ); return $arg; } sub parse_api_spec($$) { my ( $self, $spec ) = @_; $_ = $spec; if ( /^\s*v?([12])\s*(\S+)::(\S+)$/ ) { my ( $v, $m, $f ) = ( $1, $2, $3 ); $self->api_version( $v + 0 ); $self->api_module( $m ); $self->api_func( $f ); } else { die "bad api spec given: `$_'"; } return $self; } sub usage_summary($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $action = $self; my @trail; do { unshift( @trail, $action->name || $program_name ); } while ( $action = $action->parent ); for my $arg ( $self->argument_list ) { my $arg_name = c( $arg->name, 'underline' ); push( @trail, $arg->required ? $arg_name : "[$arg_name]" ); } return join( ' ', @trail ); } sub command_width($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $depth = $self->depth; return( ( $depth * $print_metrics->{ indent_size } ) + length( $self->name ) ); } sub argument_width($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @args = $self->argument_list; my $width = 0; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; for my $arg ( @args ) { my $arg_width = length( $arg->name ) + $indent_size; $width = $arg_width if $arg_width > $width; } return $width; } sub option_width($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $parent = $self->parent; my $width = $parent ? $parent->option_width : 0; my @opts = values %{ $self->options }; for my $opt ( @opts ) { my $margin = $print_metrics->{ indent_size } * 2; my $summary = $opt->summary; my $w = $margin + length( $summary ); $width = $w if $w > $width; } return $width; } sub wrap($$) { my ( $text, $width ) = @_; $width < 15 and $width = 15; $Text::Wrap::columns = $width; $text = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $text ); return( split( /\r?\n/, $text ) ); } sub compute_print_metrics($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my ( $win_width, undef ) = window_size(); my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $arg_width = $self->argument_width; my $option_width = $self->option_width; my $column_width = $arg_width > $option_width ? $arg_width : $option_width; my $desc_width = $win_width - $right_margin - $center_margin - $column_width; $desc_width < 15 and $desc_width = 15; $print_metrics->{ column_width } = $column_width; $print_metrics->{ desc_width } = $desc_width; $print_metrics->{ win_width } = $win_width; return $print_metrics; } #################################################################################################### ###################################### class Command::Argument ##################################### #################################################################################################### package Command::Argument; use Class::Struct; struct( 'Command::Argument', [ 'command' => '$', 'position' => '$', 'name' => '$', 'required' => '$', 'desc' => '$', 'default_value' => '$', 'validate' => '$', 'cast' => '$', 'bound_value' => '$', 'bound' => '$', 'query_key' => '$' ] ); sub bind($$) { my ( $self, $given_value ) = @_; my $value = $self->cast ? $self->cast->( $given_value ) : $given_value; $self->validate and $self->validate->( $value ); $self->bound_value( $value ); $self->bound( 1 ); return $self; } sub clear($) { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->bound_value( '' ); $self->bound( 0 ); return $self; } sub value($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my ( $default, $name ); return $self->bound_value if $self->bound; if ( $self->required ) { $name = $self->name; die "no value given for required argument `$name'"; } $default = $self->default_value; if ( ref( $default ) eq 'CODE' ) { my $cmd = $self->command; return $default->( $cmd, $self ); } return $default; } #################################################################################################### #################################### class Command::Dispatcher ##################################### #################################################################################################### package Command::Dispatcher; use Class::Struct; struct( 'Command::Dispatcher', [ 'name' => '$', 'actions' => '%', 'depth' => '$', 'parent' => '$', 'options' => '%' ] ); *complete_word = *main::complete_word; *window_size = *main::window_size; *c = *main::c; sub command($$$$%) { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $desc = shift; my $spec = shift; my %options = @_; my $execute = $options{ execute }; my $command = $self->add_child( $name, Command->new() ); $command->desc( $desc ); $command->parse_api_spec( $spec ); if ( %options ) { for my $prop ( qw( execute reporter argument_handler ) ) { $command->$prop( $options{ $prop } ) if exists $options{ $prop }; } } return $command } sub group($$%) { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $group = Command::Dispatcher->new; return $self->add_child( $name, $group ); } sub option($@) { my ( $self, @option_params ) = @_; my $option = Command::Option->new(); $option->configure( @option_params ); $self->options( $option->name, $option ); return $option; } sub add_child($$$) { my ( $self, $name, $child ) = @_; my $depth; unless ( $depth = $self->depth ) { $self->depth( 0 ); $depth = 0; } $child->name( $name ); $child->depth( $depth + 1 ); $child->parent( $self ); $self->actions( $name, $child ); return $child; } sub run { my $self = shift; my @argv = @_; @argv = $self->parse_options( @argv ); my $name = shift( @argv ); if ( $name eq 'help' ) { $do_help = 1; $name = shift( @argv ); } my $action; unless ( $name ) { if ( $do_help ) { $self->help( 0 ); } else { $self->help( "no command name given" ); } } unless ( $action = $self->actions( $name ) ) { my $match = complete_word( $name, $self->actions ) or $self->help( $@ ); $action = $self->actions( $match ); } return $action->run( @argv ); } sub parse_options($@) { my ( $self, @argv ) = @_; my @specs = values %{ $self->options }; my %option_spec; foreach my $o ( @specs ) { $option_spec{ $o->to_spec } = $o->target; } if ( %option_spec ) { Getopt::Long::ConfigDefaults(); Getopt::Long::Configure( 'bundling', 'pass_through' ); Getopt::Long::GetOptionsFromArray( \@argv, %option_spec ); } return @argv; } sub help($;$) { my $self = shift; my $error_message = shift; my $exit_status = 0; if ( $error_message ) { print c( "ERROR: $error_message", 'red' ), "\n"; $exit_status = 1; } $self->compute_print_metrics; print "USAGE: ", $self->usage_summary, "\n\n"; print "ACTIONS:\n"; $self->print_commands(); my $takes_options = 0; OPT_SEARCH: for ( my $node = $self; $node; $node = $node->parent ) { if ( %{ $node->options } ) { $takes_options = 1; last OPT_SEARCH; } } if ( $takes_options ) { print "OPTIONS:\n"; $self->print_options; } exit( $exit_status ); } sub compute_print_metrics($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my ( $win_width, undef ) = window_size(); my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $command_width = $self->command_width; my $option_width = $self->option_width; my $column_width = $command_width > $option_width ? $command_width : $option_width; my $desc_width = $win_width - $right_margin - $center_margin - $column_width; $desc_width < 15 and $desc_width = 15; $print_metrics->{ column_width } = $column_width; $print_metrics->{ desc_width } = $desc_width; $print_metrics->{ win_width } = $win_width; return $print_metrics; } sub print_commands($) { my $self = shift; my $depth = $self->depth; my $name = $self->name; my $column_width = $print_metrics->{ column_width }; my $desc_width = $print_metrics->{ desc_width }; my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; my $command_width = $column_width - ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size ); my @children = values %{ $self->actions }; my @groups; my @commands; for my $child ( @children ) { if ( ref( $child ) eq 'Command' ) { push( @commands, $child ); } else { push( @groups, $child ); } } @groups = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @groups; @commands = sort { $a->name cmp $b->name } @commands; for my $group ( @groups ) { my $group_name = $group->name; print( ( ' ' x ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size ) ) . c( $group_name, 'yellow' ) . "\n" ); $group->print_commands(); } my $indent_space = ( ' ' x ( ( $depth + 1 ) * $indent_size ) ); my $center_space = ( ' ' x $center_margin ); my $filler = ( ' ' x $command_width ); $Text::Wrap::columns = $desc_width; for my $command ( @commands ) { my $cname = $command->name; my $cdesc = $command->desc; $cname = sprintf( "%-${command_width}s", $cname ); $cdesc = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $cdesc ); my ( $first, @lines ) = split( /\r?\n/, $cdesc ); print( $indent_space, c( $cname, 'cyan' ), $center_space, $first, "\n" ); print( $indent_space, $filler, $center_space, $_, "\n" ) for @lines; } } sub print_options($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @opts = values %{ $self->options }; if ( @opts ) { my $depth = $self->depth; my $name = ucfirst( $self->name || "global" ); my $column_width = $print_metrics->{ column_width }; my $desc_width = $print_metrics->{ desc_width }; my $right_margin = $print_metrics->{ right_margin }; my $center_margin = $print_metrics->{ center_margin }; my $indent_size = $print_metrics->{ indent_size }; my $option_width = $column_width - ( 2 * $indent_size ); my $indent_space = ' ' x $indent_size; my $center_fill = ' ' x $center_margin; my $filler = ( ' ' x $option_width ); print( $indent_space, "$name Options:\n" ); $Text::Wrap::columns = $desc_width; my $name_mask = "%-${option_width}s"; @opts = sort { $a->name cmp $b-> name } @opts; foreach my $o ( @opts ) { my $oname = sprintf( $name_mask, $o->summary ); my $odesc = Text::Wrap::wrap( '', '', $o->desc ); my ( $first, @lines ) = split( /\r?\n/, $odesc ); print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $oname, $center_fill, $first, "\n" ); print( $indent_space, $indent_space, $filler, $center_fill, $_, "\n" ) for @lines; } } my $parent = $self->parent; $parent->print_options() if $parent; return $self; } sub command_width($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @children = values %{ $self->actions }; my $width = 0; for my $child ( @children ) { my $child_width = $child->command_width(); $width = $child_width if $child_width > $width; } return $width; } sub option_width($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $parent = $self->parent; my $width = $parent ? $parent->option_width : 0; my @opts = values %{ $self->options }; for my $opt ( @opts ) { my $margin = $print_metrics->{ indent_size } * 2; my $summary = $opt->summary; my $w = $margin + length( $summary ); $width = $w if $w > $width; } return $width; } sub usage_summary($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my $action = $self; my @trail; do { unshift( @trail, $action->name || "$program_name USER" ); } while ( $action = $action->parent ); return join( ' ', @trail ) . ' ACTION *ARGS*'; } #################################################################################################### ##################################### class Command::Option ######################################## #################################################################################################### package Command::Option; use Class::Struct; struct( 'Command::Option', [ 'name' => '$', 'short' => '$', 'desc' => '$', 'type' => '$', 'arg_name' => '$', 'target' => '$' ] ); sub configure($@) { my ( $self, @argv ) = @_; my $target = pop( @argv ); $self->target( $target ); for ( @argv ) { if ( /^[a-z\-]$/i ) { $self->short( $_ ); } elsif ( /^[a-z\-]+$/i ) { $self->name( $_ ); } elsif ( /^([=:][a-z])\s+(\S+)/i ) { my ( $type, $arg_name ) = ( $1, $2 ); $self->type( $type ); $self->arg_name( $arg_name ); } elsif ( /\s/ ) { $self->desc( $_ ); } else { die "don't know how to handle option spec argument: `$_'"; } } } sub summary($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @parts; my $short = $self->short(); my $long = $self->name(); my $type = $self->type(); my $arg_name = $self->arg_name(); push( @parts, "-$short" ) if $short; if ( $type ) { if ( $type =~ /^=/ ) { push( @parts, "--$long=$arg_name" ); } else { push( @parts, "--${long}[=$arg_name]" ); } } else { push( @parts, "--$long" ); } return join( ', ', @parts ); } sub to_spec($) { my ( $self ) = @_; my @parts = (); my $short = $self->short(); my $long = $self->name(); my $type = $self->type(); push( @parts, $long ) if $long; push( @parts, $short ) if $short; my $spec = join( '|', @parts ); $spec .= $type if $type; return $spec; } } our $main = Command::Dispatcher->new; ##################################################################################################### ########################################### MySQL Functions ######################################## #################################################################################################### sub strip_user($) { my ( $name ) = @_; $name =~ s(^\Q${user}_\E)(); return $name; } sub prefix_user($) { my ( $name ) = @_; $name =~ s(^\Q${prefix}_\E)(); return $name; } ################## my $cmd; my $mysql = $main->group( 'mysql' ); $cmd = $mysql->command( 'create', 'create a new MySQL database on the user\'s account', 'v1 Mysql::adddb' ); $cmd->argument( 'db_name', "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&strip_user, validate => sub { my ( $db_name ) = @_; my $full_name = "${prefix}_$db_name"; check_mysql_db_name( $db_name ); if ( is_mysql_db( $full_name ) ) { die "a database named `$full_name' already exists"; } } ); ################## $cmd = $mysql->command( 'create-user', 'create a new MySQL user on the user\'s account', 'v1 Mysql::adduser' ); $cmd->argument( 'mysql_user', "the new MySQL user name (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&strip_user, validate => sub { my ( $user_name ) = @_; my $full_name = "${prefix}_$user_name"; check_mysql_user_name( $user_name ); if ( is_mysql_user( $full_name ) ) { die "a MySQL user named `$full_name' already exists"; } } ); $cmd->argument( 'password', "the new user's password" ); ################## $cmd = $mysql->command( 'delete', 'remove a database defined on the user\'s account', 'v1 Mysql::deldb' ); $cmd->argument( 'db_name', "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&prefix_user, validate => sub { my ( $db_name ) = @_; unless ( is_mysql_db( $db_name ) ) { die "no database named `$db_name' appears to exist"; } } ); ################## $cmd = $mysql->command( 'delete-user', 'remove a database user defined on the user\'s account', 'v1 Mysql::deluser' ); $cmd->argument( 'mysql_user', "the name of the MySQL user (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&prefix_user ); ################## $cmd = $mysql->command( 'associate', 'add an existing mysql user to a given database', 'v1 Mysql::adduserdb' ); $cmd->argument( 'db_name', "the name of the database (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&prefix_user ); $cmd->argument( 'mysql_user', "the name of the MySQL user (without the `userna5_' prefix)", cast => \&prefix_user ); $cmd->argument( 'permissions', "a space-separated list of permissions to grant (`all' if none given)", default => 'all' ); ############### my $mlist = $mysql->group( 'list' ); $mlist->command( 'dbs', "list the databases owned by the user", "v2 MysqlFE::listdbs", execute => sub { load_mysql_data; my @names = sort keys %{ $mysql_dbs }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); ################ $mlist->command( 'users', "list the MySQL users associated with the user", "v2 MysqlFE::listusers", execute => sub { load_mysql_data; my @names = sort keys %{ $mysql_users }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); #################################################################################################### ######################################### E-Mail Functions ######################################### #################################################################################################### sub process_mail_arguments { my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_; if ( $args[ 0 ] =~ /^([^@\s]+)@([^@\s]+)$/ ) { my $email_user = $1; my $domain = $2; shift( @args ); $cmd->set_value( 'email', $email_user ); $cmd->set_value( 'domain', $domain ); } return @args; } my $mail = $main->group( 'mail' ); $cmd = $mail->command( "create", "create a new e-mail address", "v2 Email::addpop", argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments ); $cmd->argument( "email", "the user name part of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "password", "the password for the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "quota", "the address' disk quota in MB (0 for unlimited)", default => 0 ); $cmd->argument( "domain", "the domain name of the e-mail address" ); ################################################# $cmd = $mail->command( "delete", "delete an existing e-mail address", "v2 Email::delpop", argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments ); $cmd->argument( "email", "the user name part of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "domain", "the domain name of the e-mail address" ); ####################### $cmd = $mail->command( "quota", "modify an existing e-mail's quota settings", "v2 Email::editquota", argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments ); $cmd->argument( "email", "the user name part of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "domain", "the domain name of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "quota", "the address' disk quota in MB (0 for unlimited)" ); ####################### $cmd = $mail->command( "password", "change an e-mail account's password", "v2 Email::passwdpop", argument_handler => \&process_mail_arguments ); $cmd->argument( "email", "the user name part of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "domain", "the domain name of the e-mail address" ); $cmd->argument( "password", "the new password for the account" ); ### my $elist = $mail->group( "list" ); $elist->command( "domains", "list domains that send and receive mail", "v2 Email::listmaildomains", reporter => sub { my ( $cmd ) = @_; my $data = $cmd->result->{ data }; for my $dom_info ( @$data ) { my $dom = $dom_info->{ domain }; print "$dom\n"; } } ); $elist->command( "accounts", "list e-mail addresses established across the user's domains", "v2 Email::listpopssingle", reporter => sub { my ( $cmd ) = @_; my $data = $cmd->result->{ data }; for my $mail_info ( @$data ) { my $mail = $mail_info->{ email }; print "$mail\n"; } } ); $cmd = $elist->command( "forwarders", "list e-mail forwarders set up by the user", "v2 Email::listforwards", reporter => sub { my ( $cmd ) = @_; my $data = $cmd->result->{ data }; for my $finfo ( @$data ) { my $from = $finfo->{ forward }; my $to = $finfo->{ dest }; print "$from => $to\n"; } } ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "only list forwarders for this domain", default => undef ); #################################################################################################### ############################################### Spam ############################################### #################################################################################################### my $spam = $main->group( 'spam' ); $spam->command( 'enable', 'turn on Spam Assassin', 'v1 Email::addspam' ); ################ $spam->command( 'disable', 'turn off Spam Assassin', 'v1 Email::delspam' ); ################ $cmd = $spam->command( 'set-score', 'set the threshold score for Spam Assassin', 'v1 Email::addspamfilter' ); $cmd->argument( 'score', "the new score value" ); #################################################################################################### ########################################## Add-On Domains ########################################## #################################################################################################### my $addon = $main->group( 'addon' ); $cmd = $addon->command( 'create', "create an add-on domain on the user's account", 'v2 AddonDomain::addaddondomain' ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "the domain to set up", key => 'newdomain', validate => sub { my ( $domain ) = @_; unless ( $domain =~ /$domain_rx/i ) { die "`$domain' does not look like a valid domain name"; } my $owner = who_owns( $domain ); if ( $owner ) { die "`$domain' is already owned by $owner"; } } ); $cmd->argument( 'sub_name', "the name to use as the subdomain / ftp user", key => 'subdomain', default => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' ); my ( $sub, undef ) = split( /\./, $dom, 2 ); return $sub; } ); $cmd->argument( 'doc_root', "the document root for the domain", key => 'dir', default => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' ); return "public_html/$dom"; } ); ################ $cmd = $addon->command( 'delete', "remove an add-on domain configured on the user's account", 'v2 AddonDomain::deladdondomain' ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "the name of the add-on domain" ); $cmd->argument( 'domain_key', "a value containing the user name and main domain name (you should probably let me figure it out for you)", key => 'subdomain', default => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; my $dom = $c->get_value( 'domain' ); load_addon_domains; return $addon_domains->{ $dom }->{ domainkey }; } ); $cmd = $addon->command( 'list', "list all add-on domains belonging to a suer", 'v2 AddonDomain::listaddondomains', execute => sub { load_addon_domains; my @names = sort keys %{ $addon_domains }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); #################################################################################################### ########################################## Parked Domains ########################################## #################################################################################################### my $park = $main->group( 'park' ); $cmd = $park->command( 'create', "park a domain against the user's primary domain", 'v2 Park::park' ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "the domain name to park" ); $cmd = $park->command( 'delete', "remove a parked domain from the user's account", 'v2 Park::unpark' ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "the domain name to remove" ); $cmd = $park->command( 'list', "list a user's parked domains", 'v2 Park::listparkeddomains', execute => sub { load_parked_domains; my @names = sort keys %{ $parked_domains }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); #################################################################################################### ############################################ Subdomains ############################################ #################################################################################################### sub process_subdomain_arguments { my ( $cmd, @args ) = @_; if ( $args[ 0 ] =~ /^([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/ ) { my $sub_name = $1; my $base_domain = $2; shift( @args ); $cmd->set_value( 'domain', $sub_name ); $cmd->set_value( 'base_domain', $base_domain ); } return @args; } my $subdomain = $main->group( 'subdomain' ); $cmd = $subdomain->command( 'list', "list subdomains owned by the user", 'v2 SubDomain::listsubdomains', execute => sub { load_subdomains; my @names = sort keys %{ $subdomains }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); ################ $cmd = $subdomain->command( 'create', "add a new subdomain to the user's account", 'v2 SubDomain::addsubdomain', argument_handler => \&process_subdomain_arguments ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', "the domain name to park" ); $cmd->argument( 'document_root', "the path of the directory to serve as the document root of the domain", key => 'dir', default => sub { my ( $c ) = @_; return( catfile( 'public_html', $c->get_value( 'domain' ) ) ); } ); $cmd->argument( 'no_dot', "automatically strip dots from the `domain' parameter; should be `0' or `1'", default => '0' ); $cmd->argument( 'base_domain', "the domain on which the subdomain is based", key => 'rootdomain', default => sub { return $user_data->{ DOMAIN }; }, validate => sub { my ( $domain ) = @_; if ( $domain eq $user_data->{ DOMAIN } ) { return; } for ( @{ $user_data->{ DOMAINS } } ) { if ( $_ eq $domain ) { return; } } die "`$domain' is not a domain belonging to `$user'"; } ); ################ $cmd = $subdomain->command( 'delete', "remove an existing subdomain from the user's account", 'v2 SubDomain::delsubdomain' ); $cmd->argument( 'domain', 'the name of the subdomain to remove' ); #################################################################################################### ################################################ FTP ############################################### #################################################################################################### my $ftp = $main->group( 'ftp' ); $cmd = $ftp->command( 'create', "set up a new FTP account for the user", 'v2 Ftp::addftp' ); $cmd->argument( 'user_name', "the new user name (without the \ part)", key => 'user' ); $cmd->argument( 'password', "the password for the new account", key => 'pass' ); $cmd->argument( 'root_directory', "the base directory of the new FTP account -- must be relative to public_html", default => '.', key => 'homedir' ); $cmd->argument( 'quota', "an optional quota number to place on the account (0 for none)", default => '0' ); ######## $cmd = $ftp->command( 'delete', "remove an existing FTP account", 'v2 Ftp::delftp' ); $cmd->argument( 'user_name', "the FTP user to remove (without the \", key => 'user' ); $cmd->argument( 'destroy', "Boolean, 1=True, 0=False, if true, destroy the base directory of the account that's being deleted" ); ######## $cmd = $ftp->command( 'password', "change an existing FTP account's password", 'v2 Ftp::passwd' ); $cmd->argument( 'user_name', "the FTP user to update (without the \", key => 'user' ); $cmd->argument( 'password', "the new password for the account", key => 'pass' ); ######## $cmd = $ftp->command( 'quota', "change an account's quota setting", 'v2 Ftp::setquota' ); $cmd->argument( 'user_name', "the FTP user to update (without the \", key => 'user' ); $cmd->argument( 'quota', "the quota value to place on the account (0 for none)", default => '0' ); ################ $cmd = $ftp->command( 'list', "list the ftp accounts associated with the user", 'v2 Ftp::listftps', execute => sub { load_ftp_users; my @names = sort keys %{ $ftp_users }; print "$_\n" for @names; exit( 0 ); } ); #################################################################################################### ####################################### Command Line Parsing ####################################### #################################################################################################### $main->option( 'bleach', 'b', "Do not use color escapes in the output", \$bleach ); $main->option( 'debug', 'D', "Print the WHM API URI sent to the server and dump the resulting data structure", \$debug ); $main->option( 'version', 'v', "Print the script version and exit", sub { print "$VERSION\n"; exit( 0 ); } ); $main->option( 'help', 'h', "Print help information for the current command and exit", sub { $do_help = 1; } ); $main->option( 'user', 'u', '=s userna5', "Specify the user name to operate upon", sub { my ( $opt, $value ) = @_; $value =~ s/^s+|\s+$//g; if ( is_user( $value ) ) { set_user( $value ); } else { fail( "`$value' is not an existing cPanel user name" ); } } ); @ARGV = $main->parse_options( @ARGV ); unless ( $user ) { if ( is_user( $ARGV[ 0 ] ) ) { set_user( shift( @ARGV ) ); } } my $success = $main->run( @ARGV ); exit( ! $success );