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<?php use Nwidart\Modules\Activators\FileActivator; use Nwidart\Modules\Commands; return [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module Namespace |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Default module namespace. | */ 'namespace' => 'Modules', /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module Stubs |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Default module stubs. | */ 'stubs' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'path' => base_path('vendor/nwidart/laravel-modules/src/Commands/stubs'), 'files' => [ 'routes/web' => 'Routes/web.php', 'routes/api' => 'Routes/api.php', 'views/index' => 'Resources/views/index.blade.php', 'views/master' => 'Resources/views/layouts/master.blade.php', 'scaffold/config' => 'Config/config.php', 'composer' => 'composer.json', 'assets/js/app' => 'Resources/assets/js/app.js', 'assets/sass/app' => 'Resources/assets/sass/app.scss', 'vite' => 'vite.config.js', 'package' => 'package.json', ], 'replacements' => [ 'routes/web' => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME'], 'routes/api' => ['LOWER_NAME'], 'vite' => ['LOWER_NAME'], 'json' => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME', 'MODULE_NAMESPACE', 'PROVIDER_NAMESPACE'], 'views/index' => ['LOWER_NAME'], 'views/master' => ['LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME'], 'scaffold/config' => ['STUDLY_NAME'], 'composer' => [ 'LOWER_NAME', 'STUDLY_NAME', 'VENDOR', 'AUTHOR_NAME', 'AUTHOR_EMAIL', 'MODULE_NAMESPACE', 'PROVIDER_NAMESPACE', ], ], 'gitkeep' => true, ], 'paths' => [ /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Modules path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | This path used for save the generated module. This path also will be added | automatically to list of scanned folders. | */ 'modules' => base_path('Modules'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Modules assets path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you may update the modules assets path. | */ 'assets' => public_path('modules'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | The migrations path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Where you run 'module:publish-migration' command, where do you publish the | the migration files? | */ 'migration' => base_path('database/migrations'), /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Generator path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Customise the paths where the folders will be generated. | Set the generate key to false to not generate that folder */ 'generator' => [ 'config' => ['path' => 'Config', 'generate' => true], 'command' => ['path' => 'Console', 'generate' => true], 'migration' => ['path' => 'Database/Migrations', 'generate' => true], 'seeder' => ['path' => 'Database/Seeders', 'generate' => true], 'factory' => ['path' => 'Database/factories', 'generate' => true], 'model' => ['path' => 'Entities', 'generate' => true], 'routes' => ['path' => 'Routes', 'generate' => true], 'controller' => ['path' => 'Http/Controllers', 'generate' => true], 'filter' => ['path' => 'Http/Middleware', 'generate' => true], 'request' => ['path' => 'Http/Requests', 'generate' => true], 'provider' => ['path' => 'Providers', 'generate' => true], 'assets' => ['path' => 'Resources/assets', 'generate' => true], 'lang' => ['path' => 'Resources/lang', 'generate' => true], 'views' => ['path' => 'Resources/views', 'generate' => true], 'test' => ['path' => 'Tests/Unit', 'generate' => true], 'test-feature' => ['path' => 'Tests/Feature', 'generate' => true], 'repository' => ['path' => 'Repositories', 'generate' => false], 'event' => ['path' => 'Events', 'generate' => false], 'listener' => ['path' => 'Listeners', 'generate' => false], 'policies' => ['path' => 'Policies', 'generate' => false], 'rules' => ['path' => 'Rules', 'generate' => false], 'jobs' => ['path' => 'Jobs', 'generate' => false], 'emails' => ['path' => 'Emails', 'generate' => false], 'notifications' => ['path' => 'Notifications', 'generate' => false], 'resource' => ['path' => 'Transformers', 'generate' => false], 'component-view' => ['path' => 'Resources/views/components', 'generate' => false], 'component-class' => ['path' => 'Views/Components', 'generate' => false], ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Package commands |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you can define which commands will be visible and used in your | application. If for example you don't use some of the commands provided | you can simply comment them out. | */ 'commands' => [ Commands\CommandMakeCommand::class, Commands\ComponentClassMakeCommand::class, Commands\ComponentViewMakeCommand::class, Commands\ControllerMakeCommand::class, Commands\DisableCommand::class, Commands\DumpCommand::class, Commands\EnableCommand::class, Commands\EventMakeCommand::class, Commands\JobMakeCommand::class, Commands\ListenerMakeCommand::class, Commands\MailMakeCommand::class, Commands\MiddlewareMakeCommand::class, Commands\NotificationMakeCommand::class, Commands\ProviderMakeCommand::class, Commands\RouteProviderMakeCommand::class, Commands\InstallCommand::class, Commands\ListCommand::class, Commands\ModuleDeleteCommand::class, Commands\ModuleMakeCommand::class, Commands\FactoryMakeCommand::class, Commands\PolicyMakeCommand::class, Commands\RequestMakeCommand::class, Commands\RuleMakeCommand::class, Commands\MigrateCommand::class, Commands\MigrateFreshCommand::class, Commands\MigrateRefreshCommand::class, Commands\MigrateResetCommand::class, Commands\MigrateRollbackCommand::class, Commands\MigrateStatusCommand::class, Commands\MigrationMakeCommand::class, Commands\ModelMakeCommand::class, Commands\PublishCommand::class, Commands\PublishConfigurationCommand::class, Commands\PublishMigrationCommand::class, Commands\PublishTranslationCommand::class, Commands\SeedCommand::class, Commands\SeedMakeCommand::class, Commands\SetupCommand::class, Commands\UnUseCommand::class, Commands\UpdateCommand::class, Commands\UseCommand::class, Commands\ResourceMakeCommand::class, Commands\TestMakeCommand::class, Commands\LaravelModulesV6Migrator::class, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Scan Path |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here you define which folder will be scanned. By default will scan vendor | directory. This is useful if you host the package in packagist website. | */ 'scan' => [ 'enabled' => false, 'paths' => [ base_path('vendor/*/*'), ], ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Composer File Template |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is the config for composer.json file, generated by this package | */ 'composer' => [ 'vendor' => 'nwidart', 'author' => [ 'name' => 'Nicolas Widart', 'email' => '', ], 'composer-output' => false, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Caching |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Here is the config for setting up caching feature. | */ 'cache' => [ 'enabled' => true, 'driver' => 'file', 'key' => 'laravel-modules', 'lifetime' => 60, ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Choose what laravel-modules will register as custom namespaces. | Setting one to false will require you to register that part | in your own Service Provider class. |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 'register' => [ 'translations' => true, /** * load files on boot or register method * * Note: boot not compatible with asgardcms * * @example boot|register */ 'files' => 'register', ], /* |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Activators |-------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | You can define new types of activators here, file, database etc. The only | required parameter is 'class'. | The file activator will store the activation status in storage/installed_modules */ 'activators' => [ 'file' => [ 'class' => FileActivator::class, 'statuses-file' => storage_path('app/modules_statuses.json'), 'cache-key' => 'activator.installed', 'cache-lifetime' => 604800, ], ], 'activator' => 'file', ];