One Hat Cyber Team
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Linux 5.14.0-427.33.1.el9_4.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Aug 30 09:45:56 EDT 2024 x86_64
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o �If^; � @ sh d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZzddlZdZW n ey% dZY nw ddgZG dd� de �Z dZd Zd Z dZe e ZdZG d d� d�ZerVG dd� de�Ze�d� edkr�ddlZeejd �Zee�� � e�ejd � e�ejd � e�� e�� \ZZeded �D ]Z e�!e �\Z"Z#Z$ede � e#D ]Z%ede% � q�ed� q�e�&� dS dS )z@A POP3 client class. Based on the J. Myers POP3 draft, Jan. 96 � NTF�POP3�error_protoc @ s e Zd ZdS )r N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� r r �,/opt/saltstack/salt/lib/python3.10/poplib.pyr s �n i� � � i c @ s e Zd ZdZdZeejfdd�Zdd� Z dd� Z d d � Zdd� Zd d� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd=d d!�Zd"d#� Zd$d%� Zd&d'� Zd(d)� Zd*d+� Zd,d-� Zd.d/� Ze�d0�Z d1d2� Z!d3d4� Z"d=d5d6�Z#d7d8� Z$d9d:� Z%d=d;d<�Z&dS )>r aP This class supports both the minimal and optional command sets. Arguments can be strings or integers (where appropriate) (e.g.: retr(1) and retr('1') both work equally well. Minimal Command Set: USER name user(name) PASS string pass_(string) STAT stat() LIST [msg] list(msg = None) RETR msg retr(msg) DELE msg dele(msg) NOOP noop() RSET rset() QUIT quit() Optional Commands (some servers support these): RPOP name rpop(name) APOP name digest apop(name, digest) TOP msg n top(msg, n) UIDL [msg] uidl(msg = None) CAPA capa() STLS stls() UTF8 utf8() Raises one exception: 'error_proto'. Instantiate with: POP3(hostname, port=110) NB: the POP protocol locks the mailbox from user authorization until QUIT, so be sure to get in, suck the messages, and quit, each time you access the mailbox. POP is a line-based protocol, which means large mail messages consume lots of python cycles reading them line-by-line. If it's available on your mail server, use IMAP4 instead, it doesn't suffer from the two problems above. zUTF-8c C sP || _ || _d| _t�d| ||� | �|�| _| j�d�| _d| _ | � � | _d S )NFzpoplib.connect�rbr )�host�port�_tls_established�sys�audit�_create_socket�sock�makefile�file� _debugging�_getresp�welcome)�selfr r �timeoutr r r �__init__b s z POP3.__init__c C s( |d ur |s t d��t�| j| jf|�S )Nz0Non-blocking socket (timeout=0) is not supported)� ValueError�socket�create_connectionr r )r r r r r r m s zPOP3._create_socketc C s: | j dkrtdt|�� t�d| |� | j�|t � d S )N� z*put*zpoplib.putline)r �print�reprr r r �sendall�CRLF�r �liner r r �_putliner s z POP3._putlinec C s. | j r tdt|�� t|| j�}| �|� d S )Nz*cmd*)r r r! �bytes�encodingr&