One Hat Cyber Team
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#!/usr/bin/bash USER=$1 SESSIONID=`date +%s` CHILDACCTS=`/bin/grep -rl OWNER=$USER /var/cpanel/users|cut -d/ -f5` if [ -z $1 ]; then # No reseller inputted, display top resellers sorted by cumulative CP # touch /tmp/sumrescp.$SESSIONID touch /tmp/rescp.$SESSIONID sa -cm |awk '{print $1,$6}' > /tmp/sadata.$SESSIONID cat /tmp/sadata.$SESSIONID| while read line; do ruser=$(echo $line|awk '{print $1}') rusercp=$(echo $line|sed 's/[A-Za-z]*//g'|awk '{print $NF}') rparent=$(grep OWNER /var/cpanel/users/$ruser 2>/dev/null|cut -d= -f2) echo "$rparent $rusercp" >> /tmp/rescp.$SESSIONID done awk '{arr[$1]+=$2;} END {for (i in arr) print i, arr[i]}' /tmp/rescp.$SESSIONID > /tmp/sumrescp.$SESSIONID echo echo -e "Top 15 resellers sorted by CP used so far today:" echo cat /tmp/sumrescp.$SESSIONID |egrep -v "root|nobody|mailnull|inmotion|cpanellogin|clamav|dovenull|nagios|cpanel" |sort -nk2 |tail -15 |tac|sed 's/$/cp/'|column -t echo else ############################################### # Showing cumulative CP for specific reseller # ############################################### if [[ `grep OWNER /var/cpanel/users/$USER -s` = "OWNER=inmotion" ]]; then ALLACCTS=$( echo "$CHILDACCTS"; echo "$USER") echo echo -e " Cumulative CP usage of reseller: $USER" echo -ne " Total # of child accounts: " echo "$CHILDACCTS"|wc -l echo -ne " Total CP used today (`date --date="today"| awk '{print $2,$3}'`): " sa -cm |egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo echo echo "Historical cumulative CPU usage" DAY1=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-1 days"`") echo -n " $DAY1 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY1/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY2=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-2 days"`") echo -n " $DAY2 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY2/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY3=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-3 days"`") echo -n " $DAY3 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY3/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY4=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-4 days"`") echo -n " $DAY4 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY4/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY5=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-5 days"`") echo -n " $DAY5 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY5/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY6=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-6 days"`") echo -n " $DAY6 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY6/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo DAY7=$(echo "`date +"%b/%d" --date="-7 days"`") echo -n " $DAY7 :: " zcat /var/log/sa/rads/$DAY7/21-avg.gz | egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{s+=$6} END {printf "%.0f", s}' echo -ne "cp" echo echo echo "Displaying top 20 child accounts sorted by CP for reseller ($USER): " echo sa -cm |egrep -w `echo $ALLACCTS|sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/ /g'|sed 's# #|#g'`|awk '{print " "$1,$6}'|head -20|column -t echo else echo # Display error/help message echo " - A script made to help identify reseller accounts that are consuming a large amount of CP" echo echo "Usage:" echo " Option 1.) Run script with no arguments (calculates cumulative CP usage for reseller users across the server)" echo " Option 2.) Run script with a reseller username (see children with the highest CP)" echo fi fi # Remove temporary files rm -f /tmp/rescp.$SESSIONID rm -f /tmp/sumrescp.$SESSIONID rm -f /tmp/sadata.$SESSIONID