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<?php namespace App\Console\Commands; use Carbon\Carbon; use App\Models\User; use App\Models\Company; use App\Models\Holiday; use App\Models\AutomateShift; use App\Models\EmployeeShift; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use App\Models\RotationAutomateLog; use App\Models\ShiftRotationSequence; use App\Models\EmployeeShiftSchedule; use App\Events\ShiftRotationEvent; class AssignShiftRotation extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'assign-shift-rotation'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Assign shift rotation to employees'; /** * Execute the console command. */ public function handle() { $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $dayOfWeekMap = [ 1 => Carbon::MONDAY, 2 => Carbon::TUESDAY, 3 => Carbon::WEDNESDAY, 4 => Carbon::THURSDAY, 5 => Carbon::FRIDAY, 6 => Carbon::SATURDAY, 0 => Carbon::SUNDAY, ]; $dayNameWeekMap = [ 'sunday' => Carbon::SUNDAY, 'monday' => Carbon::MONDAY, 'tuesday' => Carbon::TUESDAY, 'wednesday' => Carbon::WEDNESDAY, 'thursday' => Carbon::THURSDAY, 'friday' => Carbon::FRIDAY, 'saturday' => Carbon::SATURDAY, ]; Company::active()->select('id')->chunk(50, function ($companies) use ($currentDate, $dayOfWeekMap, $dayNameWeekMap) { foreach ($companies as $company) { $dayOff = EmployeeShift::where('company_id', $company->id)->where('shift_name', 'Day Off')->first(); $automateShifts = AutomateShift::whereHas('rotation', function ($query) use ($company) { $query->where('company_id', $company->id); })->with(['sequences', 'rotation', 'user'])->get(); $shiftSequences = ShiftRotationSequence::whereIn('employee_shift_rotation_id', $automateShifts->pluck('employee_shift_rotation_id'))->orderBy('sequence')->get()->groupBy('employee_shift_rotation_id'); foreach ($automateShifts as $automateShift) { if ($automateShift->rotation && $automateShift->rotation->status == 'active') { $log = null; if ($automateShift->rotation && $automateShift->user) { $logs = RotationAutomateLog::where('company_id', $company->id)->where('employee_shift_rotation_id', $automateShift->rotation->id)->where('user_id', $automateShift->user->id)->get()->keyBy('employee_shift_rotation_id'); $log = $logs->get($automateShift->rotation->id); } $sequences = $shiftSequences->get($automateShift->employee_shift_rotation_id, collect()); $currentSequence = $log->sequence ?? null; if ($currentSequence && ($log && ($log->cron_run_date != $currentDate->format('Y-m-d')))) { $sequence = $sequences->where('sequence', '>', $currentSequence)->first(); $nextShiftSequence = $sequence ? $sequence : $sequences->first(); } else { $nextShiftSequence = $sequences->first(); } if ($nextShiftSequence && $sequences->isNotEmpty()) { $employeeShift = EmployeeShift::find($nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_id); $officeOpenDays = json_decode($employeeShift->office_open_days); $employeeData = $automateShift->user ? User::with('employeeDetail')->find($automateShift->user->id) : null; $dayString = str_replace('every-', '', $automateShift->rotation->schedule_on); $dayString = strtolower($dayString); $dayOfWeek = ''; if (isset($dayNameWeekMap[$dayString])) { $dayOfWeek = $dayNameWeekMap[$dayString]; } // Retrieve holidays based on employee details $holidaysForUser = $employeeData ? $this->retrieveHolidaysForUser($employeeData) : []; $rotationFrequency = $automateShift->rotation->rotation_frequency; $isWeekly = $rotationFrequency == 'weekly'; $isBiWeekly = $rotationFrequency == 'bi-weekly'; $isMonthly = $rotationFrequency == 'monthly'; $bothWeekly = $rotationFrequency == 'weekly' || $rotationFrequency == 'bi-weekly'; $isCorrectDayOfWeek = $currentDate->dayOfWeek == $dayOfWeek; $currentDates = []; $weekOffDays = []; // Weekly if ($isWeekly && $isCorrectDayOfWeek) { $reqFrom = 'weekly'; $currentDates = $this->getOfficeOpenDates($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $holidaysForUser); $weekOffDays = $this->getWeekendDays($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays); } // Bi-weekly if ($isBiWeekly && $isCorrectDayOfWeek) { $shouldGetDates = true; if (!is_null($log) && Carbon::parse($log->cron_run_date)->diffInDays() < 14) { $shouldGetDates = false; } if ($shouldGetDates) { $reqFrom = 'bi-weekly'; $currentDates = $this->getOfficeOpenDates($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $holidaysForUser); $weekOffDays = $this->getWeekendDays($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays); } } // Monthly $rotationDate = $this->getFullDateForCurrentMonth($automateShift->rotation->rotation_date); $isCorrectDayOfMonth = $rotationDate == $currentDate->format('Y-m-d'); $carbonDate = Carbon::parse($rotationDate); $lastDateOfMonth = $carbonDate->endOfMonth(); if($carbonDate->month === 2 && $lastDateOfMonth->format('d') < $automateShift->rotation->rotation_date && $currentDate->format('Y-m-d') == $rotationDate){ $isCorrectDayOfMonth = true; } else if($carbonDate->month !== 2 ) { $isCorrectDayOfMonth = $rotationDate == $currentDate->format('Y-m-d'); } if ($isMonthly && $isCorrectDayOfMonth) { $reqFrom = 'monthly'; $currentDates = $this->getOfficeOpenDates($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $holidaysForUser, $rotationDate); $weekOffDays = $this->getWeekendDays($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $rotationDate); } if ((!empty($currentDates) && (($bothWeekly && $isCorrectDayOfWeek) || ($isMonthly && $isCorrectDayOfMonth))) && ($automateShift->user && $employeeData)) { foreach ($currentDates as $date) { $date = Carbon::parse($date); if ($employeeData && $date->greaterThanOrEqualTo($employeeData->employeeDetail->joining_date) && (is_null($officeOpenDays) || (is_array($officeOpenDays) && in_array($date->dayOfWeek, $officeOpenDays)))) { $shift = EmployeeShiftSchedule::where('date', $date->format('Y-m-d'))->where('user_id', $automateShift->user->id)->first(); if (!$shift) { $shift = new EmployeeShiftSchedule(); $shift->user_id = $automateShift->user->id; $shift->date = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $shift->employee_shift_id = $nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_id; $shift->added_by = null; $shift->last_updated_by = null; $shift->shift_start_time = $date->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$employeeShift->office_start_time; $shift->shift_end_time = $date->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$employeeShift->office_end_time; $shift->remarks = 'Automate shift rotation assigned'; $shift->save(); } if($shift && $automateShift->rotation->override_shift == 'yes') { $shift->user_id = $automateShift->user->id; $shift->date = $date->format('Y-m-d'); $shift->employee_shift_id = $nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_id; $shift->added_by = null; $shift->last_updated_by = null; $shift->shift_start_time = $date->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$employeeShift->office_start_time; $shift->shift_end_time = $date->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$employeeShift->office_end_time; $shift->remarks = 'Automate shift rotation assigned'; $shift->save(); } } } foreach ($weekOffDays as $weekOffDay) { $weekOffDay = Carbon::parse($weekOffDay); $weekEndShift = EmployeeShiftSchedule::where('user_id', $automateShift->user->id)->where('date', $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d'))->first(); if (!$weekEndShift) { EmployeeShiftSchedule::create([ 'user_id' => $automateShift->user->id, 'date' => $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d'), 'employee_shift_id' => $dayOff->id, 'added_by' => null, 'last_updated_by' => null, 'shift_start_time' => $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$dayOff->office_start_time, 'shift_end_time' => $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$dayOff->office_end_time, 'remarks' => 'Automate shift rotation assigned', ]); } elseif ($weekEndShift && $automateShift->rotation->override_shift == 'yes') { $weekEndShift->user_id = $automateShift->user->id; $weekEndShift->date = $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d'); $weekEndShift->employee_shift_id = $dayOff->id; $weekEndShift->added_by = null; $weekEndShift->last_updated_by = null; $weekEndShift->shift_start_time = $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$dayOff->office_start_time; $weekEndShift->shift_end_time = $weekOffDay->format('Y-m-d') .' '.$dayOff->office_end_time; $weekEndShift->remarks = 'Automate shift rotation assigned'; $weekEndShift->save(); } } if (!$log) { $log = new RotationAutomateLog(); $log->company_id = $company->id; $log->user_id = $automateShift->user->id; $log->employee_shift_rotation_id = $nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_rotation_id; $log->employee_shift_id = $nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_id; $log->sequence = $nextShiftSequence->sequence; $log->cron_run_date = $currentDate->format('Y-m-d'); } else { $log->employee_shift_id = $nextShiftSequence->employee_shift_id; $log->sequence = $nextShiftSequence->sequence; $log->cron_run_date = $currentDate->format('Y-m-d'); } $log->save(); if($automateShift->rotation->send_mail == 'yes') { event(new ShiftRotationEvent($employeeData, $currentDates, $rotationFrequency)); } } } } } } }); return Command::SUCCESS; } private function getFullDateForCurrentMonth($dayOfMonth) { $currentDate = Carbon::now(); $daysInMonth = $currentDate->daysInMonth; $dayOfMonth = min($dayOfMonth, $daysInMonth); $fullDate = Carbon::create($currentDate->year, $currentDate->month, $dayOfMonth); return $fullDate->format('Y-m-d'); } private function getUserHolidays($holidaysForUser) { if (!empty($holidaysForUser)) { return array_map(function ($holiday) { return Carbon::parse($holiday)->format('Y-m-d'); }, $holidaysForUser); } else { return $holidaysForUser; } } private function getWeekendDays($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $rotationDate = null) { $today = Carbon::now(); $weekendDates = []; $officeDays = []; $startDate = $today->copy(); $endDate = match ($reqFrom) { 'bi-weekly' => $today->copy()->addDays(13), default => $today->copy()->addDays(6), }; if ($reqFrom == 'monthly') { $currentDate = $rotationDate ? Carbon::parse($rotationDate) : $today; $nextMonth = $today->copy()->addMonthNoOverflow(); $year = $nextMonth->format('Y'); $month = $nextMonth->format('m'); $date = Carbon::create($year, $month, 1); $daysInNextMonth = $date->daysInMonth; if ($daysInNextMonth < 30) { // End date is a day before the last date of next month (in feb.) if ($daysInNextMonth == 28) { $endDate = $date->copy()->endOfMonth()->subDay(); } else { $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth); } } else if($currentDate->daysInMonth < 30 && $daysInNextMonth >= 30){ // End date is a day before the last date of next month (in march) if ($currentDate->daysInMonth == 29) { $subDays = (31 - $currentDate->daysInMonth); $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth)->subDays($subDays); } elseif ($currentDate->daysInMonth == 28) { $subDays = (29 - $currentDate->daysInMonth); $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth)->subDays($subDays); } else { $subDays = (30 - $currentDate->daysInMonth); $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth)->subDays($subDays); } } else { $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addMonth()->subDay(); // End date is a day before the same date of next month } } foreach ($officeOpenDays as $dayOfWeek) { if (isset($dayOfWeekMap[$dayOfWeek])) { for ($date = $startDate->copy(); $date->lte($endDate); $date->addDay()) { if ($date->dayOfWeek == $dayOfWeekMap[$dayOfWeek]) { $officeDays[] = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } } } } for ($date = $startDate->copy(); $date->lte($endDate); $date->addDay()) { if (!in_array($date->dayOfWeek, $officeOpenDays)) { $weekendDates[] = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } } sort($weekendDates); return $weekendDates; } private function getOfficeOpenDates($reqFrom, $dayOfWeekMap, $officeOpenDays, $holidaysForUser, $rotationDate = null) { $currentDates = []; $today = Carbon::now(); $holidayDates = $this->getUserHolidays($holidaysForUser); if ($reqFrom === 'bi-weekly') { $endDate = $today->copy()->addDays(13); // End date after 14 days from today } elseif ($reqFrom === 'monthly') { $currentDate = $rotationDate ? Carbon::parse($rotationDate) : $today; $nextMonth = $today->copy()->addMonthNoOverflow(); $year = $nextMonth->format('Y'); $month = $nextMonth->format('m'); $date = Carbon::create($year, $month, 1); $daysInNextMonth = $date->daysInMonth; if ($daysInNextMonth < 30) { // End date is a day before the last date of next month (feb.) $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth); } else if($currentDate->daysInMonth < 30 && $daysInNextMonth >= 30){ if ($currentDate->daysInMonth == 29) { $subDays = (31 - $currentDate->daysInMonth); $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth)->subDays($subDays); } else { $subDays = (30 - $currentDate->daysInMonth); $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addDays($daysInNextMonth)->subDays($subDays); } } else { $endDate = $currentDate->copy()->addMonth()->subDay(); // End date is a day before the same date of next month } } else { $endDate = $today->copy()->addDays(6); // End date after 7 days from today } foreach ($officeOpenDays as $dayOfWeek) { if (isset($dayOfWeekMap[$dayOfWeek])) { for ($date = ($reqFrom === 'monthly' ? $currentDate : $today)->copy(); $date->lte($endDate); $date->addDay()) { if ($date->dayOfWeek == $dayOfWeekMap[$dayOfWeek] && !in_array($date->format('Y-m-d'), $holidayDates)) { $currentDates[] = $date->format('Y-m-d'); } } } } sort($currentDates); return $currentDates; } private function retrieveHolidaysForUser($employeeData) { return Holiday::where(function ($query) use ($employeeData) { $query->where(function ($subquery) use ($employeeData) { $subquery->where(function ($q) use ($employeeData) { $q->where('department_id_json', 'like', '%"' . $employeeData->employeeDetail->department_id . '"%') ->orWhereNull('department_id_json'); }); $subquery->where(function ($q) use ($employeeData) { $q->where('designation_id_json', 'like', '%"' . $employeeData->employeeDetail->designation_id . '"%') ->orWhereNull('designation_id_json'); }); $subquery->where(function ($q) use ($employeeData) { $q->where('employment_type_json', 'like', '%"' . $employeeData->employeeDetail->employment_type . '"%') ->orWhereNull('employment_type_json'); }); }); })->get()->pluck('date')->map(function ($date) { return $date->format('Y-m-d'); })->toArray(); } }