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<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Events\ModuleStatusChanged; use App\Helper\Reply; use App\Models\ModuleSetting; use App\Models\GlobalSetting; use Froiden\Envato\Functions\EnvatoUpdate; use Froiden\Envato\Traits\ModuleVerify; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\File; use Macellan\Zip\Zip; use Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module; class CustomModuleController extends AccountBaseController { use ModuleVerify; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->pageTitle = ''; $this->activeSettingMenu = 'module_settings'; $this->middleware(function ($request, $next) { abort_403(GlobalSetting::validateSuperAdmin('manage_superadmin_custom_module_settings')); return $next($request); }); } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function index() { $this->type = 'custom'; $this->updateFilePath = config('froiden_envato.tmp_path'); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $this->allModules = Module::toCollection()->filter(function ($module, $key) { return $key !== 'UniversalBundle'; }); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $this->universalBundle = Module::find('UniversalBundle'); $this->view = 'custom-modules.ajax.custom'; $this->activeTab = 'custom'; $this->plugins = collect(EnvatoUpdate::plugins()); if (request()->ajax()) { $html = view($this->view, $this->data)->render(); return Reply::dataOnly(['status' => 'success', 'html' => $html, 'title' => $this->pageTitle, 'activeTab' => $this->activeTab]); } return view('module-settings.index', $this->data); } /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Foundation\Application|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\Contracts\View\View */ public function create() { $this->pageTitle = ''; $this->type = 'custom'; $this->updateFilePath = config('froiden_envato.tmp_path'); return view('custom-modules.install', $this->data); } /** * @param Request $request * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function store(Request $request) { if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { return Reply::error('<b>PHP-ZIP</b> extension is missing on your server. Please install the extension.'); } File::put(public_path() . '/install-version.txt', 'complete'); $filePath = $request->filePath; $zip = Zip::open($filePath); $zipName = $this->getZipName($filePath); // Extract the files to storage folder first for checking the right plugin // Filename Like if (str_contains($zipName, 'codecanyon-')) { $zipName = $this->unzipCodecanyon($zip); } else { $zip->extract(storage_path('app') . '/Modules'); } $moduleName = str_replace('.zip', '', $zipName); $validateModule = $this->validateModule($moduleName); if ($validateModule ['status'] == true) { // Move files to Modules if modules belongs to this product File::moveDirectory(storage_path('app') . '/Modules/' . $moduleName, base_path() . '/Modules/' . $moduleName, true); cache()->forget('laravel-modules'); // Delete Modules Directory after moving files File::deleteDirectory(storage_path('app') . '/Modules/'); $this->updateVersion($moduleName); // if module is universal bundle module then activate the module if ($moduleName == 'UniversalBundle') { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $module = Module::findOrFail($moduleName); $module->enable(); Artisan::call('module:migrate', array($moduleName, '--force' => true)); event(new ModuleStatusChanged($module, 'active')); } $this->flushData(); return Reply::success('Installed successfully.'); } return Reply::error($validateModule ['message']); } public function validateModule($moduleName) { $appName = str_replace('-new', '', config('froiden_envato.envato_product_name')); $wrongMessage = 'The zip that you are trying to install is not compatible with ' . $appName . ' version'; // Check if PHP-ZIP extension is missing if (!extension_loaded('zip')) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => '<b>PHP-ZIP</b> extension is missing on your server. Please install the extension.' ]; } $configPath = storage_path('app') . '/Modules/' . $moduleName . '/Config/config.php'; // Check if module configuration file exists if (!file_exists($configPath)) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => $wrongMessage ]; } $config = require_once $configPath; // Check if parent_envato_id is defined and matches the application's envato_id if (!isset($config['parent_envato_id']) || $config['parent_envato_id'] !== config('froiden_envato.envato_item_id')) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => 'You are installing the wrong module for this product' ]; } // Parent envato id is different from module envato id if ($config['parent_envato_id'] !== config('froiden_envato.envato_item_id')) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => 'You are installing wrong module for this product' ]; } // Check if parent_min_version is defined if (!isset($config['parent_min_version'])) { $errorMessage = App::environment('codecanyon') ? 'Please download and install the latest version of the module.' : 'Minimum version of <b>' . $appName . ' main application</b> is not defined in the Module.'; return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => $errorMessage ]; } // Check if the application version is lower than the required minimum version if ($config['parent_min_version'] >= File::get('version.txt')) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => 'Minimum version of <b>' . $appName . ' main application</b> should be greater than or equal to <b>' . $config['parent_min_version'] . '</b>. Your application version is <b>' . File::get('version.txt') . '</b>' ]; } // Check if parent_product_name is defined and matches the application's product name if (!isset($config['parent_product_name']) || $config['parent_product_name'] !== config('froiden_envato.envato_product_name')) { return [ 'status' => false, 'message' => $wrongMessage ]; } return [ 'status' => true, 'message' => 'Unzipped successfully' ]; } private function flushData() { Artisan::call('optimize:clear'); Artisan::call('view:clear'); $user = auth()->id(); // clear cache cache()->flush(); // clear session session()->flush(); auth()->logout(); // login user auth()->loginUsingId($user); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View */ public function show($id) { return $this->verifyModulePurchase($id); } public function update(Request $request, $moduleName) { /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $module = Module::findOrFail($moduleName); $status = $request->status; ModuleSetting::where('module_name', $moduleName)->delete(); ($status == 'active') ? $module->enable() : $module->disable(); event(new ModuleStatusChanged($moduleName, $status)); // We are registering the module to run the commands $module->register(); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ $plugins = \Nwidart\Modules\Facades\Module::allEnabled(); if ($status == 'active') { $this->runModuleMigrateCommand($moduleName); // We will call the module function php artisan asset:activate, zoom:active , etc $this->runActivateCommand(strtolower($moduleName)); } $this->flushData(); // WORKSUITESAAS if (strtolower($moduleName) == 'subdomain' && ($status == 'active')) { \session(['subdomain_module_activated' => true]); } cache()->forget('user_modules'); /** @phpstan-ignore-next-line */ cache(['worksuite_plugins' => array_keys($plugins)]); if (strtolower($moduleName) == 'languagepack' && $status == 'active') { session(['languagepack_module_activated' => true]); } return Reply::redirect(route('custom-modules.index') . '?tab=custom', 'Status Changed. Reloading'); } public function verifyingModulePurchase(Request $request) { $request->validate([ 'purchase_code' => 'required|max:80', ]); $module = $request->module; $purchaseCode = $request->purchase_code; return $this->modulePurchaseVerified($module, $purchaseCode); } /** * @throws \Exception */ private function unzipCodecanyon($zip) { $codeCanyonPath = storage_path('app') . '/Modules/Codecanyon'; $zip->extract($codeCanyonPath); $files = File::allfiles($codeCanyonPath); foreach ($files as $file) { if (str_contains($file->getRelativePathname(), '.zip')) { $filePath = $file->getRelativePathname(); $zip = Zip::open($codeCanyonPath . '/' . $filePath); $zip->extract(storage_path('app') . '/Modules'); return $this->getZipName($filePath); } } return false; } private function getZipName($filePath) { $array = explode('/', str_replace('\\', '/', $filePath)); return end($array); } /** * @param $moduleName * This will update the version of on server */ private function updateVersion($moduleName) { try { $config = require base_path() . '/Modules/' . $moduleName . '/Config/config.php'; $setting = (new $config['setting'])::first(); // When module migrations are not run if ($setting?->purchase_code) { $this->modulePurchaseVerified(strtolower($moduleName), $setting->purchase_code); } } catch (\Exception $e) { logger($e->getMessage()); } } private function runModuleMigrateCommand($moduleName) { Artisan::call('module:migrate', [$moduleName, '--force' => true]); } private function runActivateCommand($moduleName) { $command = $moduleName . ':activate'; $artisanCommands = \Artisan::all(); if (array_has($artisanCommands, $command)) { Artisan::call($command); } } }