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<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Carbon\Carbon; use App\Models\Deal; use App\Models\Lead; use App\Models\User; use App\Helper\Reply; use App\Models\Company; use Carbon\CarbonPeriod; use App\Models\LeadAgent; use App\Models\LeadSource; use App\Models\LeadCategory; use App\Models\LeadPipeline; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel; use App\Models\PipelineStage; use App\Exports\DealReportExport; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use App\DataTables\DealReportDataTable; use App\DataTables\LeadReportDataTable; use App\DataTables\LeadContactDataTable; class LeadReportController extends AccountBaseController { private $excel; public function __construct(Excel $excel) { $this->excel = $excel; parent::__construct(); } /** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $tab = request('tab'); $this->pageTitle = ''; $this->view = 'reports.lead.profile'; switch ($tab) { case 'lead': return $this->leadContact(); case 'chart': return $this->averageDealSizeReport(); break; default: return $this->profile(); break; } if (request()->ajax()) { return $this->returnAjax($this->view); } $this->activeTab = $tab ?: 'profile'; return view('reports.lead.index', $this->data); } public function profile() { $this->pageTitle = 'modules.lead.profile'; if (!request()->ajax()) { $this->fromDate = now($this->company->timezone)->startOfMonth(); $this->toDate = now($this->company->timezone); $this->agents = LeadAgent::with('user') ->join('users', '', 'lead_agents.user_id')->get(); } $tab = request('tab'); $this->activeTab = $tab ?: 'profile'; $this->view = 'reports.lead.profile'; $dataTable = new LeadReportDataTable(); return $dataTable->render('reports.lead.index', $this->data); } public function leadContact( ) { $this->employees = User::allEmployees(); $this->pageTitle = 'modules.leadContact.title'; $this->viewLeadPermission = $viewPermission = user()->permission('view_lead'); abort_403(!in_array($viewPermission, ['all', 'added', 'both', 'owned'])); if (!request()->ajax()) { $this->categories = LeadCategory::get(); $this->sources = LeadSource::get(); } $getTotal = 'withDatatable'; $dataTable = new LeadContactDataTable(); $tab = request('tab'); $this->activeTab = $tab ?: 'lead'; return $dataTable->render('reports.lead.lead-report', $this->data); } public function totalContact() { $request = request(); $this->viewLeadPermission = $viewPermission = user()->permission('view_lead'); $this->startDate = (request('start_date') != '') ? Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, request('start_date')) : now($this->company->timezone)->startOfMonth(); $this->endDate = (request('end_date') != '') ? Carbon::createFromFormat($this->company->date_format, request('end_date')) : now($this->company->timezone); $startDate = $this->startDate->toDateString(); $endDate = $this->endDate->toDateString(); $totalCount = Lead::whereDate('created_at', '>=', $startDate) ->whereDate('created_at', '<=', $endDate) ->count(); return Reply::dataOnly(['totalCount' => $totalCount]); } public function averageDealSizeReport() { $this->pageTitle = ''; $request = request(); $companyId = $this->company->id; $this->currentYear = now()->format('Y'); $this->currentMonth = now()->month; $this->pipelines = LeadPipeline::all(); $this->categories = LeadCategory::all(); $defaultPipelineId = $this->pipelines->filter(function ($value) { return $value->default == 1; })->first()->id; $selectedYear = $request->year ? $request->year : now()->format('Y'); $pipelineId = $request->pipeline ? $request->pipeline : $defaultPipelineId; $categoryId = $request->category ? $request->category : null; $startDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $selectedYear.'-01-'.'01')->startOfYear(); $endDate = Carbon::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $selectedYear.'-12-'.'31')->endOfYear(); $deals = Deal::select(' as stage_name', 'deals.value', 'deals.close_date') ->join('pipeline_stages', 'deals.pipeline_stage_id', '=', '') ->join('lead_pipelines', '', '=', 'pipeline_stages.lead_pipeline_id') ->where('', $pipelineId) ->when($categoryId, function ($query) use ($categoryId) { return $query->where('deals.category_id', $categoryId); }) ->whereBetween('deals.close_date', [$startDate, $endDate]) ->get(); $dealsByStageAndMonth = $deals->groupBy(function ($deal) { return Carbon::parse($deal->close_date)->format('m'); }); $pipelineStages = PipelineStage::where('lead_pipeline_id', $pipelineId)->get(); $monthlyTotals = []; $stageColors = []; // Fetch stage colors from the database foreach ($pipelineStages as $stage) { $stageColors[$stage->name] = $stage->label_color; } // Loop through each month of the year for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) { $monthKey = str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); foreach ($pipelineStages as $stage) { $monthlyTotals[$monthKey][$stage->name] = 0; } if (isset($dealsByStageAndMonth[$monthKey])) { foreach ($dealsByStageAndMonth[$monthKey] as $deal) { $monthlyTotals[$monthKey][$deal->stage_name] += $deal->value; } } } $lastYear = Carbon::now()->subYear()->format('Y'); $this->years = range(Carbon::now()->year, $lastYear); $dealsByMonth = $deals->groupBy(function($deal) { return $deal->close_date->format('m'); }); $monthlyDealCounts = []; foreach ($dealsByMonth as $month => $dealsInMonth) { $monthlyDealCounts[$month] = $dealsInMonth->count(); } $monthRange = CarbonPeriod::create($startDate, '1 month', $endDate); foreach ($monthRange as $month) { $formattedMonth = Carbon::parse($month)->format('M'); $numMonth = Carbon::parse($month)->format('m'); $totalValue = $deals->filter(function ($value) use($numMonth, $selectedYear) { return $value->close_date->format('m') == $numMonth && $value->close_date->format('Y') == $selectedYear; })->sum('value'); $count = $monthlyDealCounts[$numMonth] ?? 0; $averageValue = $count > 0 ? $totalValue / $count : 0; $averageValue1 = round($averageValue, 1); $monthlyData[] = [ 'label' => $formattedMonth, 'value' => $averageValue1, ]; $value[] = $averageValue1; $lineChartDataset = [ 'name' => 'Average', 'chartType' => 'line', 'values' => array_column($monthlyData, 'value'), 'color' => 'black', ]; } $datasets = []; foreach ($pipelineStages as $stage) { $dataset = [ 'name' => $stage->name, 'chartType' => 'bar', 'values' => [], 'color' => $stageColors[$stage->name] ?? '#d4f542' ]; for ($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++) { $monthKey = str_pad($month, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $dataset['values'][] = $monthlyTotals[$monthKey][$stage->name] ?? 0; } $datasets[] = $dataset; } $datasets[] = $lineChartDataset; $this->data['datasets'] = $datasets; $dealReports = Deal::select( DB::raw('MONTH(close_date) as month'), DB::raw('COUNT(*) as deals_closed'), DB::raw('SUM(value) as total_deal_amount'), DB::raw('AVG(value) as average_deal_amount'), DB::raw("(SELECT COUNT( FROM deals as wonDeals INNER JOIN pipeline_stages on wonDeals.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE wonDeals.close_date IS NOT NULL AND wonDeals.company_id = $companyId AND pipeline_stages.slug = 'win' AND wonDeals.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(wonDeals.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(wonDeals.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as won_deals"), DB::raw("(SELECT SUM(wonDealsAmount.value) FROM deals as wonDealsAmount INNER JOIN pipeline_stages as pipelineStag on wonDealsAmount.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE wonDealsAmount.close_date IS NOT NULL AND wonDealsAmount.company_id = $companyId AND pipelineStag.slug = 'win' AND wonDealsAmount.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(wonDealsAmount.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(wonDealsAmount.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as deals_won_amount"), DB::raw("(SELECT COUNT( FROM deals as lostDeals INNER JOIN pipeline_stages on lostDeals.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE lostDeals.close_date IS NOT NULL AND lostDeals.company_id = $companyId AND pipeline_stages.slug = 'lost' AND lostDeals.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(lostDeals.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(lostDeals.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as lost_deals"), DB::raw("(SELECT SUM(lostDeal_amount.value) FROM deals as lostDeal_amount INNER JOIN pipeline_stages on lostDeal_amount.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE lostDeal_amount.close_date IS NOT NULL AND pipeline_stages.slug = 'lost' AND lostDeal_amount.company_id = $companyId AND lostDeal_amount.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(lostDeal_amount.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(lostDeal_amount.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as deals_lost_amount"), DB::raw("(SELECT COUNT( FROM deals as other_stages INNER JOIN pipeline_stages on other_stages.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE other_stages.close_date IS NOT NULL AND pipeline_stages.slug != 'lost' AND pipeline_stages.slug != 'win' AND other_stages.company_id = $companyId AND other_stages.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(other_stages.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(other_stages.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as deals_other_stages"), DB::raw("(SELECT SUM(other_stages_value.value) FROM deals as other_stages_value INNER JOIN pipeline_stages on other_stages_value.pipeline_stage_id = WHERE other_stages_value.close_date IS NOT NULL AND pipeline_stages.slug != 'lost' AND pipeline_stages.slug != 'win' AND other_stages_value.company_id = $companyId AND other_stages_value.lead_pipeline_id = $pipelineId AND MONTH(other_stages_value.close_date) = MONTH(deals.close_date) AND YEAR(other_stages_value.close_date) = YEAR(deals.close_date)) as deals_other_stages_value"), )->where(DB::raw('YEAR(close_date)'), $selectedYear) ->where('lead_pipeline_id', $pipelineId) ->when($categoryId, function ($query) use ($categoryId) { return $query->where('deals.category_id', $categoryId); }) ->whereNotNull('close_date') ->groupBy(DB::raw('MONTH(close_date)')) ->get(); $this->dealDatas = collect(range(1, 12))->map(function ($month) use ($dealReports) { $deal = $dealReports->firstWhere('month', $month); return [ 'month' => Carbon::createFromDate(null, $month, 1)->format('F'), 'deals_closed' => $deal && $deal->deals_closed ? $deal->deals_closed : 0, 'total_deal_amount' => $deal && $deal->total_deal_amount ? round($deal->total_deal_amount, 2) : 0, 'average_deal_amount' => $deal && $deal->average_deal_amount ? round($deal->average_deal_amount, 2) : 0, 'won_deals' => $deal && $deal->won_deals ? $deal->won_deals : 0, 'deals_won_amount' => $deal && $deal->deals_won_amount ? round($deal->deals_won_amount, 2) : 0, 'lost_deals' => $deal && $deal->lost_deals ? $deal->lost_deals : 0, 'deals_lost_amount' => $deal && $deal->deals_lost_amount ? round($deal->deals_lost_amount, 2) : 0, 'other_stages' => $deal && $deal->deals_other_stages ? $deal->deals_other_stages : 0, 'other_stages_value' => $deal && $deal->deals_other_stages_value ? round($deal->deals_other_stages_value, 2) : 0, ]; }); $tab = request('tab'); $this->activeTab = $tab ?: 'chart'; if ($request->ajax()) { $html = view('', ['dealDatas' => $this->dealDatas])->render(); return response()->json(['datasets' => $datasets, 'html' => $html]); } else { return view('', $this->data); } } public function exportDealReport($year, $pipelineId, $categoryId = null) { $pipeline = LeadPipeline::find($pipelineId); $category = $categoryId ? LeadCategory::find($categoryId) : null; abort_403(!canDataTableExport()); $exportedData = new DealReportExport($year, $pipelineId, $categoryId); $pipelineName = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $pipeline->name)); $categoryName = $category ? strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $category->category_name)) : 'all-categories'; $fileName = 'deal-report-' . $pipelineName . '-' . $categoryName . '-' . $year . '.xlsx'; // Return the Excel file download response return $this->excel->download($exportedData, $fileName); } }