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#!/opt/imh-python/bin/python3 # By Alex Kostyn # Starting import section ## import sys import math import argparse import subprocess # GLOBALS VERSION = 0.2 # Classes # ALL THE COLORS! class Colors: """ANSI Colors""" clrscr = '\033[2J' clrline = '\033[K' home = '\033[0;0f' xclear = '\033[2J\033[K\033[K' def __init__(self): = '\033[m' = '\033[31m' self.yel = '\033[33m' self.blu = '\033[36m' self.wht = '\033[37m' def bleach(self): = '' = '' self.yel = '' self.blu = '' self.wht = '' # Functions # Used to take bytes and set them to the appropiate names. # Takes an Int that resembles bytes # Returns a string of its human readable size. def convertsize(size): if size == 0: return '0B' size_name = ("KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB") num = int(math.floor(math.log(size, 1024))) power = math.pow(1024, num) size = round(size / power, 2) return f'{size} {size_name[num]}' # Function is just printing the full path with colors. # Depending on the percent of total Disk Usage determins the color of the print def printpath(pppercent, ppsubfilename, ppsubfilesize): if pppercent == 100: print(ppsubfilename + "\t" + ppsubfilesize) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pppercent) + "%") elif pppercent > 60: print( + ppsubfilename + "\t" + ppsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pppercent) + "%") elif pppercent > 40: print( termColor.yel + ppsubfilename + "\t" + ppsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pppercent) + "%") elif pppercent > 20: print( termColor.blu + ppsubfilename + "\t" + ppsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pppercent) + "%") elif 20 > pppercent > 10: print(ppsubfilename + "\t" + ppsubfilesize) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pppercent) + "%") # Prints out just the file like old du-tree. # Depending on the percent of total Disk Usage determins the color of the print # Each tab is replaced with two spaces. def printfile(pfpercent, pfsubfilename, pfsubfilesize): splitsubfilename = pfsubfilename.split("/") spacenumber = pfsubfilename.count("/") * 2 if pfpercent == 100: print(pfsubfilename + "\t" + pfsubfilesize) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pfpercent) + "%") elif pfpercent > 60: print( + " " * spacenumber + splitsubfilename[-1] + "\t" + pfsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pfpercent) + "%") elif pfpercent > 40: print( termColor.yel + " " * spacenumber + splitsubfilename[-1] + "\t" + pfsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pfpercent) + "%") elif pfpercent > 20: print( termColor.blu + " " * spacenumber + splitsubfilename[-1] + "\t" + pfsubfilesize + ) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pfpercent) + "%") elif 20 > pfpercent > 10: print(" " * spacenumber + splitsubfilename[-1] + "\t" + pfsubfilesize) if args.verbose: print("@ " + str(pfpercent) + "%") # --- Entry --- # # Starting ArgParser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DU formatter') # Run on any directory. parser.add_argument( 'directory', help="The directory you want to scan.", nargs="*" ) # Generic version speal. parser.add_argument( '-V', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s, Version: ' + str(VERSION), ) # Prints everything. # Is more useful for me dubugging the code. parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help="Prints everything the program is doing.", ) # Prints a legend showing what each color means. parser.add_argument( '-l', '--legend', action='store_true', help="Prints color legend before running.", ) # Clear colors from output. parser.add_argument( '-b', '--bleach', action='store_true', help="Removes color from output" ) # Prints full path. parser.add_argument( '-f', '--full', action='store_true', help="Prints full path" ) # Doing the needful. args = parser.parse_args() # Setting Variables. depth = 5 dirs = termColor = Colors() if args.bleach: termColor.bleach() # Printing legend if argument was passed. # Specifically showing what colors mean what. if args.legend: print("\n --- Color Legend --- ") print( + " [*] Greater than 60% overall usage." + ) print( termColor.yel + " [*] Greater than 40% overall usage." + ) print( termColor.blu + " [*] Greater than 20% overall usage." + ) print("\n") # Running the command and sending the output to a variable # Running without human readable for acuracy. # stderr = subprocess.PIPE to hide permission denied messages. # same with stdout = subprocess.PIPE if not args.bleach: print("Running Du", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() command = ["/usr/bin/du", "--max-depth=" + str(depth)] # Adding dirs to the end of the command. for i in dirs: command.append(i) with subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore", ) as proc: output = proc.communicate() if not args.bleach: print("\rComplete: ") # More for dubugging purposes if args.verbose: print(output) # Trimming the output. # Command is stored in a Tuple. # Grabbing just the first element. # Splitting via '\n' Then storing in an array. FormattedOutPut = output[0] FormattedOutPut = FormattedOutPut.splitlines() # Going through each element of the output to find the base dir. # The base dir will always be the largest # Each item is seperated with a tab, therefore I split each line by '\t' # Casted baseDirSize in comparison for better calculations. count = 0 baseDir = "" baseDirSize = 0 for line in FormattedOutPut: count += 1 dirSize = int(line.split('\t')[0]) if dirSize > int(baseDirSize): if args.verbose: print(str(dirSize) + " > " + str(baseDirSize)) baseDirSize = dirSize baseDir = line.split('\t')[1] # Going through and outputing large folders / files # Converted baseDirSize to an float before doing anything. # Reversing the list so that it makes more sense. # To grab the percent you set both file size vars to floats, # then you deivide sub/base, then multiply it by 100. # Converted to int to remove the decimal. baseDirSize = float(baseDirSize) for line in reversed(FormattedOutPut): subFileSize = float(line.split('\t')[0]) subFileName = line.split('\t')[1] percent = int(subFileSize / baseDirSize * 100) subFileSize = convertsize(subFileSize) if args.full: printpath(percent, subFileName, subFileSize) else: printfile(percent, subFileName, subFileSize)