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#//------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// #// Dell Inc. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION #// #// This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or #// nondisclosure agreement with Dell Inc. and may not be copied or #// disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that agreement. #// #// Copyright (c) 1995-2022 Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved. #// #// Abstract/Purpose: #// NDX configuration file #// See readme_ndx.txt for more info #// #//------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _EMPObj { s8 defaultRestoreSupport; s8 defaultRestoreStatus; s8 defaultRestoreRequireReboot; u8 type; u8 licenseClass; u8 uiStatus; u8 localCommandDisableStatus; u8 ipv4State; u8 bladeFormFactor; u8 nicEnable; //nic 1 enable , 0 disable u8 reserved[2]; // reserved data bytes u32 lccState; s32 defaultRestoreTimeoutMSec; s32 defaultRestoreTimeRemaining; s32 defaultRestorePercentage; s32 numPossibleActiveSessions; s32 numCurrentlyActiveSessions; u32 offsetDisplayName; u32 offsetDescription; u32 offsetVersion; u32 offsetGUID; u32 offsetUrl; u32 offsetipv6Url; u32 offsetBladeLocation; } EMPObj; typedef struct _EMPV6LANConfigObj { u8 ipv6State; u8 ipSecState; u8 ipv6AddrConfiguration; u8 ipv6DNSConfiguration; u8 IIDPrefixLength; u8 reserved[3]; u32 offsetLLAddress; u32 offsetSLAddress; u32 offsetGLAddress; u32 offsetGatewayAddress; u32 offsetDNS1Address; u32 offsetDNS2Address; } EMPV6LANConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPSerialConfigObj { u8 channelNumber; s8 IPMIMessagingAccessMode; s8 PEFAlertingEnable; s8 channelAccessLevel; s8 maxUsersSupported; s8 currentEnabledUsers; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeSupport; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableCallback; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableUser; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableOperator; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableAdmin; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableOEM; __BITMAP u8 connectionModeSupport; s8 connectionMode; __BITMAP u8 connectionModeEnables; s8 commSettingsFlowControl; s8 commSettingsBitRate; s8 commSettingsDTRHangUp; s8 terminalModeParamOperation; s8 terminalModeLineEditing; s8 terminalModeDeleteControl; s8 terminalModeEcho; s8 terminalModeHandshake; s8 terminalModeNLSeq; s8 terminalModeInputNLSeq; __BITMAP u32 bitRateCapabilities; u8 reservedAlign[3]; } EMPSerialConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPLANConfigObj { u8 channelNumber; s8 IPMIMessagingAccessMode; s8 PEFAlertingEnable; s8 channelAccessLevel; s8 maxUsersSupported; s8 currentEnabledUsers; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeSupport; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableCallback; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableUser; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableOperator; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableAdmin; __BITMAP u8 authenTypeEnableOEM; __BITMAP u32 IPAddrSourceMsg; __BITMAP u16 IPAddrSourceSupport; s8 IPAddrSource; s8 IPv4HeaderTimeToLive; s8 IPv4HeaderFlags; s8 IPv4HeaderPrecedence; s8 IPv4HeaderServiceType; s8 numAlertDests; s16 VLANID; s8 VLANIDEnable; s8 VLANPriority; u32 offsetIPAddress; u32 offsetMACAddress; u32 offsetSubnetMask; u32 offsetDefaultGateway; u32 offsetCommunityString; u32 offsetVLANreadonly; } EMPLANConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPLANAlertDestObj { u8 destSelector; u8 destType; booln alertAck; u8 ackTimeoutRetryInterval; u8 retries; u8 addressFormat; u8 gatewaySelector; u32 offsetAlertingIPAddr; u32 offsetAlertingMACAddr; } EMPLANAlertDestObj; typedef struct _EMPLANAltDestListObj { u8 channelNumber; u8 numLANAlertDests; booln enableWarning; booln fqdnEnable; u8 reservedAlign[2]; EMPLANAlertDestObj LANAlertDestList[-4]; } EMPLANAltDestListObj; typedef struct _EMPUserObj { u8 userID; __BITMAP u8 userSettable; booln currentState; u8 maxUserNameLength; u8 maxPasswordLength; booln EnableWarning; u8 reservedAlign[4]; __BITMAP u32 RACPriv; u32 offsetUserName; } EMPUserObj; typedef struct _EMPUserListObj { u8 numUsers; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPUserObj userList[-2]; } EMPUserListObj; typedef struct _EMPUserAccessObj { u8 userID; u8 channelNumber; s16 channelMediumType; s8 availability; s8 authenEnable; s8 messagingEnable; u8 userAccessLevel; __BITMAP u8 userAccessSettable; u8 reservedAlign[3]; __BITMAP u32 payloadAccessCapabilities; __BITMAP u32 payloadAccessSettings; } EMPUserAccessObj; typedef struct _EMPUserAccessListObj { u8 numInstances; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPUserAccessObj userAccessList[-2]; } EMPUserAccessListObj; typedef struct _EMPChannelObj { u8 channelNumber; s16 channelMediumType; u8 reservedAlign[1]; } EMPChannelObj; typedef struct _EMPChannelListObj { u8 numChannels; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPChannelObj channelList[-2]; } EMPChannelListObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFConfigObj { s8 PEFVersion; __BITMAP u8 PEFActionSupport; s8 PEFControlEnable; __BITMAP u8 PEFActionGlobalControl; u8 numEventFilters; u8 numAlertPolicyEntries; u8 numAlertStrings; s8 GUIDUsage; u32 offsetSystemGUID; u32 offsetVersion; } EMPPEFConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFEventFilterObj { u8 filterNumber; u8 filterConfigType; booln filterConfigEnable; booln evtFltrActionDiagInt; booln evtFltrActionOEM; booln evtFltrActionPwrCycl; booln evtFltrActionReset; booln evtFltrActionPwrOff; booln evtFltrActionAlert; u8 alertPolicyNumber; u8 eventSeverity; u8 sensorType; u8 eventTrigger; u16 eventData1OffsetMask; u8 reservedAlign[2]; u32 filterKey; astring pefName[64]; } EMPPEFEventFilterObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFEvtFltrListObj { u8 numEventFilters; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPPEFEventFilterObj eventFilterList[-2]; } EMPPEFEvtFltrListObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFAltPlcyEntryObj { u8 policyEntryNumber; u8 policyNumber; s8 entryEnable; u8 policy; u8 channelNumber; u8 destSelector; s8 evtSpecAltStr; u8 altStrSetSelector; } EMPPEFAltPlcyEntryObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFAltPlcyEntryListObj { u8 numAltPlcyEntries; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPPEFAltPlcyEntryObj altPlcyEntryList[-2]; } EMPPEFAltPlcyEntryListObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFAlertStringObj { u8 alertStringSelector; u8 eventFilterNum; u8 alertStringSet; u8 reservedAlign[1]; u32 offsetAlertString; } EMPPEFAlertStringObj; typedef struct _EMPPEFAltStrListObj { u8 numAlertStrings; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPPEFAlertStringObj alertStringList[-2]; } EMPPEFAltStrListObj; typedef struct _EMPSOLConfigObj { u8 channelNumber; s8 SOLEnable; s8 SOLAuthenForcePayloadEnc; s8 SOLAuthenForcePayloadAuthen; s8 SOLAuthenPrivilegeLevel; s8 SOLBitRateNonVolatile; s8 SOLBitRateVolatile; s8 SOLRetryCount; s32 SOLRetryInterval; s32 SOLCharAccumInterval; s32 SOLCharSendThreshold; __BITMAP u32 bitRateCapabilities; u8 SOLCharAccumIntUp; u8 SOLCharSendThresholdUp; u8 reservedAlign[2]; } EMPSOLConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPNICConfigObj { u8 channelNumber; u8 separatePrimaryFailover; u8 reservedAlign[2]; __BITMAP u32 teamingModeCapabilities; __BITMAP u32 teamingModeSettings; __BITMAP u32 primaryCapabilities; u32 primarySettings; __BITMAP u32 failoverCapabilities; u32 failoverSettings; } EMPNICConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPChSecKeyObj { u8 keyID; u8 channelNumber; s16 channelMediumType; u8 keyLockStatus; u8 reservedAlign[3]; u32 offsetKeyValue; } EMPChSecKeyObj; typedef struct _EMPChSecKeyListObj { u8 numKeys; u8 reservedAlign[3]; EMPChSecKeyObj keyList[-2]; } EMPChSecKeyListObj; typedef struct _EMPSerialMuxConfigObj { __BITMAP u8 serialMuxModeCapabilities; __BITMAP u8 serialMuxModeSettings; u8 serialConnectorIPMIChannelNum; u8 serialConnectorNum; booln IPMISerialPortSharing; booln IPMISOL; u8 serialControllerChannelNum; u8 reservedAlign[3]; } EMPSerialMuxConfigObj; typedef struct _EMPRACObj { booln nicEnable; u8 reservedAlign[2]; s32 httpsPortNum; u32 offsetProductInfo; u32 offsetDescription; u32 offsetVersion; u32 offsetName; u32 offsetType; } EMPRACObj; typedef struct _CMCObj { u8 type; u8 ipAddrType; u8 ipSource; u8 uiStatus; u32 offsetIPAddress; u32 offsetVersion; u32 offsetUrl; u32 offsetChassisModelName; } CMCObj; typedef struct _DeviceLicense{ u8 licenseStatus; u8 licenseType; u8 expireYear; u8 expireMon; u8 expireDay; u8 expireHour; u8 expireMin; u8 expireSec; u32 offsetEntitlementIDStr; u32 offsetLicenseDescStr; }DeviceLicense; typedef struct _LicenseDeviceObj { u8 deviceStatus; u8 actionReqCode; u8 deviceType; u8 currentClass; u32 noOfLicenses; u32 offsetDeviceIDStr; DeviceLicense Licenses[-2]; } LicenseDeviceObj; typedef struct _OverallLicenseObj { u8 numDevices; u8 reservedAlign[3]; } OverallLicenseObj; #//------------------------------------------------------------------------- #// End #//-------------------------------------------------------------------------